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The Cabin in the Woods

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The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

April. 13,2012
| Horror Thriller Mystery
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Five friends go for a break at a remote cabin, where they get more than they bargained for, discovering the truth behind the cabin in the woods.


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It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.

Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

Tymon Sutton

The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.


Really good Saturday night flick. THIS is how you spend $30 m dollars. The film looked brilliant. Adam sandlers jack and Jill cost $80 million ?? There needs to be an investigation. I recommend this film highly. Good fun.


I see a lot of hate in these reviews which is, in my opinion, out of place. Sure, the movie isn't a masterpiece, but I think a lot of people don't see this as it is. It's a mix of satire, spoof and homage to all the horrormovies (and their clichés) we've been served since the beginning of cinema. And in that, the movie doesn't take itself serious, just as an 'original' horror movie mustn't be taken serious. So watch this as a fun, entertaining homage with all the cliches of those movies we all know. And in that, they did a fine job.


What i thought would be a good horror film turned out to a totally random waste of an hour and a half. With no real build up to get into the characters, then straight into unrealistic zombies running round. Should be down as a comedy

Fallen Eye

Why did that technician (Richard Jenkins) say to Dana; "It's you", and who was he asking her to kill? Surly he's not talking about the "he" attached to that massive hand. What makes Cabin In The Woods fresh, is just how it juxtaposed the mayhem with the habitual day-to-day, even though this particular day-to-day is pretty, unpretty.Somehow, going from just 5 normal millennials on their way to an enjoyable getaway from the city, to gods, magic, zombies and the world ending, felt as seamless as a jump like that can be, I suppose. In 1 hour, Cabin In The Woods did what The Fast and Furious franchise needed 15 years to accomplish, (Dom and team going from stealing appliances, to saving the world and stopping "World War III") and it's still arguable if whether or not it was accomplished plausibly.I also feel like this movie was giving major nods to a plethora of age old monsters and demons, and that felt like an awesome touch. The elevator scene seriously made me wish that 1; This film had a bigger budget, because all those monstrosities coming together like that was just, so much fun and 2. Yeah, that this film was part of a multiverse (I guess we are in that "age" now, and Joss assisted in creating monsters like us).Towards the end however, the film started falling a little flat, and becoming less charming. Events started feeling too coincidental in too many a consecutive sequence, but seeing killer unicorns was pretty cool; all that was missing was the deadliest monster of all, Cupid. 7/10.P.S. Chris Hemsworth's American accent is abysmal. I still like him though, but seriously, it's terrible.
