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Liar Liar

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Liar Liar (1997)

March. 21,1997
| Comedy
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Fletcher Reed, a fast-talking, habitual liar, divorced father, is an incredibly successful lawyer who has built his career by lying. He is used to giving priority to his job and always breaking promises to be with his young son Max, but Fletcher often lets Max down, by missing his son's birthday party. But even then at 8:15 Max decides to make him an honest man as he wishes for a whole day where his father can't lie. When his son Max blows out the candles on his fifth birthday, he only has one wish - for his father to stop lying for 24 hours. When Max's wish comes true, Fletcher discovers that his mouth has suddenly become his biggest obstacle


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A brilliant film that helped define a genre


It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.


I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.


One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.


Liar LiarA typical drama theatre script that works on all levels and for everyone; Liar Liar is that rare comedy masterpiece that instead of exaggerating keeps it real and smart.


There's a virtuous message at the heart of "Liar Liar" (a yuppie lawyer learns the cost of putting career before child) that helps the movie achieve timelessness; and that's part of the reason this is still so watchable after twenty years. It's even one of those "cable movies" that tends to draw you in whenever it's on. But seriously, can you think of anyone other than Jim Carrey who could've carried this movie? Even back in mid-'90s Hollywood. Absolutely not, and most of the laughs come from just pulling the ripcord and watching him go. It's his anarchic style and manic energy that gives the dialogue its potency. The supporting cast is left to do the heavy lifting while Carrey owns the screen. And it's for the best. This is over-the-top in the best sense, and it remains highly watchable today.8/10

John Brooks

As my title suggests. Jim Carrey can't lie, and this is a film that showcases his many, many bizarre tricks and crafts as an absolute maniac of a unique comedian following that fun-to-start-with premise. This is one of these films that would be entirely irrelevant and painfully forced would it be just about anyone BUT that one Jim Carrey individual. It's completely silly in parts, way over-the-top, and belongs to the good thick family humor but is, somehow, still funny. Thanks Jim Carrey. The film in itself is fine, the story is alright and allows for a good morality at the end. It's cute in places, but really the focus here is Jim Carrey and the ridiculous positions this miracle of life has put him, a conniving lawyer, in to go through. If you like Jim Carrey, watch this. If you don't, you'll find it forced, unfunny and far-fetched.


Unable to lie as a result of a birthday wish, a lawyer who has built his career on fibs discovers how hard it is to tell the truth all the time in this Jim Carrey comedy vehicle. The premise is fairly decent with the overarching question of whether it is possible to live without lying a little. One of the film's best scenes has Carrey insulting all the partners and senior members of his law firm simply by telling the truth as he sees it, which they mistake for practical joking (why else would anyone be so insolent?). Most of the film though does not capitalise on this agenda as Carrey constantly chews the scenery, making absurd noises and weird faces as he struggles to lie. In fact, the film's funniest bit comes in the end credits blooper reel as Swoosie Kurtz calls him an "overactor" - though there is also a fun part in which he tells his son that not only will his face not freeze if the wind changes, but in fact some people (Carrey) make living out of making funny faces! The film does not stack up particular well to repeat viewings though since much of the plot hinges on Carrey doing the unexpected, and beyond Carrey's facial antics, the father/son angle is just schmaltzy. There is also something uncomfortable in how the film wants us to cheer for Carrey getting an adulterous client off the hook and cheer for Carrey himself, who only ever seems like an obnoxious human being. The film does have several genuinely hilarious moments though in between Carrey's mugging though and it does highlight how much society is built on white lies, but 'Liar Liar' is really a Carrey showcase all the way.
