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Bronson (2009)

October. 09,2009
| Drama Action Crime
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A young man who was sentenced to 7 years in prison for robbing a post office ends up spending 30 years in solitary confinement. During this time, his own personality is supplanted by his alter ego, Charles Bronson.


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Gripping story with well-crafted characters


Crappy film


Who is Bronson? Well, to begin with, his real name is Michael Gordon Peterson, Charles Bronson, the persona that would later envelop him, being a stage name he borrowed from the action movie star. But that doesn't even begin to answer the question. In fact, a better question is probably, why? Why is Bronson compelled to act in the violent manner he does (being known as Britain's most notorious prisoner)? What's his reasoning, his motivation, his desire, his endgame? If the filmmakers know, they're not telling. All we can do is sit back and observe his actions, and try to figure them out as best we can. He had a perfectly normal childhood, or at least normal enough to make his adult life puzzling. It doesn't seem like any major wrong has been committed against him, not at first. Yet he's seemingly filled with an untameable rage that can only be satisfied by short, brutal bouts of violence. He seems most at home in the film beating another man bloody and pissing on his body in a boxing match. And when events that could explain some of his rage eventually happen, such as the girl he's courting marrying another man, they seem like mere excuses for him to continue on in the way he always has. The man has spent over three decades in solitary confinement; perhaps the best explanation is that he's scared of what the real world has waiting for him.Tom Hardy is absolutely phenomenal in one of the best performances of the twenty-first century; the fact that he wasn't even nominated for Best Actor is shameful. This is one of those roles where the actor is slamming on the gas pedal for practically the whole movie, and we just have to keep up.


A young man who was sentenced to seven years in prison for robbing a post office ends up spending three decades in solitary confinement. During this time, his own personality is supplanted by his alter-ego, Charles Bronson. Boring, dull and slow paced 'Bronson' is an overrated and dumb drama with Tom Hardy giving one of his worst perfomances ever!!!


It is amazing very funny and entertaining and dark lot of great moments does kind of reminds me of a clockwork orange. Great performance and excellent story. The butter scene is hilarious and Tom Hardy is great. The bio pic of the worst prisoner in Britain based on true story. It is about a guy who robs a post office gets 7 years but because of bad behaviour and violence spends his whole life in jail.


Bronson is a good movie with a reasonably well developed plot and a terrific cast. The highlight of the whole film has to be Tom Hardy, he was really walking on a tightrope with this role, as it all really relies on his performance. Being the only actual character in the whole film, he truly embodies the spirit and soul of Charles Bronson, it is clear he studied the man inside out, gaining a great understanding of how his mind works. I did find it to be far too art-house for my taste, I was hoping for a genuine biography film on Bronson's life, but there is actually very little here about him. People who do not know who this man is will learn nothing from watching this, the whole thing is basically set in his cell as we go inside his mind while he spends the remainder of his years in prison. I was hoping for a movie that would give us a much deeper understanding of Bronson as a man, but it really just messes around for an hour and a half. I was not going in to this expecting to see him dressed as a clown performing a show or rubbing himself in butter. It had a similar tone to A Clockwork Orange, feeling like the director was trying way too hard to be like Stanley Kubrick. A movie that tries a little too hard to be "out there" can be saved by a stellar performance, which we got in Hardy, who makes this watchable. Flawed but entertaining, Bronson is not what I expected, but I would still recommend it to anyone looking for a good crime film, just do not go out of your way to see it. Follows a man in solitary confinement as he copes with isolation. Best Performance: Tom Hardy
