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The Bounty Hunter

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The Bounty Hunter (2010)

March. 19,2010
| Action Comedy Romance
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Milo Boyd, a down-on-his-luck bounty hunter, thinks he's seeing an upswing in fortune when he gets a call to bring in his bail-jumping ex-wife, a reporter named Nicole. Milo considers the job an easy payday, but Nicole quickly escapes to chase a lead on a murder case. The former spouses play an escalating game of one-upmanship, until they suddenly find themselves on the run for their lives.


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I love this movie so much


I wanted to but couldn't!


Don't listen to the negative reviews

Matylda Swan

It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.


(Originally seen many years ago) The only film where I physically got out of my seat, ready to leave the cinema, but the credits thankfully arrived. Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler send out awful film's every year, but this is their absolute worst, they have no chemistry, the film is painfully unfunny and the acting, the story and the writing are utterly horrendous. The Bounty Hunter is among the worst film's I have ever seen. 0/10

Python Hyena

The Bounty Hunter (2010): Dir: Andy Tennant / Cast: Gerard Butler, Jennifer Aniston, Gio Perez, Christine Baranski, Jason Sudeikis: Routine romantic comedy about reconciliation, which viewers may need from the filmmakers. Gerard Butler plays a former cop turn bounty hunter who accepts a case to bring in his wife, who fled court. She had a parking violation, which she appeared for until a serious story took off that needed her attention. She is played by Jennifer Aniston and she is working on a suicide case until one of her associates is kidnapped. Central plot regards Butler's struggle to drag Aniston to jail and the constant bickering. It isn't difficult to see where it is headed. Directed by Andy Tennant who has made better films than this. Hitch and Ever After: A Cinderella Story are more ambitious Tennant titles. Both Butler and Aniston are subdued in formula writing. After their initial introductions they are thrown into action scenes and shouting matches that eventually land in a conclusion that is meant to be intelligent but comes off as cheap. Gio Perez plays Aniston's snitch who spends most of the film locked in a closet. Christine Baranski is underused as her mother who has a love hate relationship with Butler. Jason Sudeikis plays Aniston's co-worker who is more into her than the screenwriter was when it came to writing this crap. The film regards marriage and regret and to some degree viewers may relate to the gender war presented but it fails to go beyond being a morbid romantic tease. Perhaps the only bounty that should have been issued would be on a better screenwriter. Score: 4 / 10


Jennifer Aniston movie career is very hit and miss to say the least, for every "Horrible Bosses" or "We're The Millers" there is a "The Switch" or "Management".Plot In A Paragraph: Reporter Nicole Hurley (Jennifer Aniston) skips bail to follow a hot lead. Her ex husband Milo Boyd (Gerrard Butler) is given the dream job of chasing down his ex wife. Sadly this is the latter, ridiculously predictable, with two leads who have little chemistry (despite rumours of an alleged off screen romance) and few jokes, this is not the fun romp I was expecting. Butler does OK, but the stars of the show are Jason Sudeikis (as a sleazy co worker of Aniston) and Christine Baranski (as Aniston's mother Kitty) who steal every scene they are in, and quite frankly the movie is poorer when they are not on screen. I'll admit from the off, that I am bias when it comes to Aniston. I love her. With her gorgeous girl next door looks, I adore her, and will usually give anything she is in a chance. she remains one of the most talented and beautiful women in movies, and her ladylike sexiness is in rare supply. Any movie becomes promising just by having her name in it's cast. But she needs to pick her projects better than this.


I had a high expectation on this movie but when I'm already watching it, i want to fast forward everything! It's full of running, shooting and dull moments between the two leading characters. Humor lines are not really funny. The plot is predictable: two couples got divorced then at the end fell in love again. I think Gerard Butler is not really for comedies. All throughout the film he has a strong facial expression not fit for a comedy film. Jennifer Aniston looks fine in the entire movie, she really portrayed well the character. I need to fast forward when Aniston and Butler are talking because the lines are predictable as i observed the development of the dialogue. I think Aniston saved the plot and Butler. I really like her as a comedian. So, I'm still giving it a 5.
