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Princess Kaiulani

Princess Kaiulani (2010)

May. 14,2010
| Drama

Ka'iulani, a 19th-century Hawaiian princess, is raised in England but determined to maintain her people's independence from aggressive American businessmen. After being sent to England as a child by her Scottish father, Ka'iulani returns to Hawaii and becomes a political activist who fights to retain her throne, even though she must leave her English paramour.


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Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.


This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.


A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.


I love period movies and this is my new favorite! Hawaii, has always been an interest to me considering I have ancestors that are Polynesian. I had no knowledge of Princess Kaiulani, and I am at awe that this was part of the history involved in the deceitful making of a nation.The acting was amazing! The cinematography and wardrobe were amazing! How I missed the release of this movie in 2009 is beyond me.I recommend this movie for anyone that likes period movies, Romance and historical.On a side note, what I find interesting is in real life how Princess Kaiulani died. Inflammatory rheumatism? can be a variety of disorders...it is written that she died of pneumonia? Was it that? or was she poisoned? Considering what she went through and what she had done....What a cover up that would be...anyone could have planted in the papers that the cause of her death was inflammatory rheumatism. Interesting!


After viewing this enlightening and educational movie, I selected and viewed the extra bonus features, saddened and shocked at finding out the detailed history of Hawaii and its royalty. The truths unveiled by the research (done before the movie was made) made my heart hurt.How sad that again, US intervention caused another group of natives to become a part of the United States when clearly, they did not want that to happen. Capitalism raised its ugly head then, as it continues to do so.Even after moving to England (during the unrest in Hawaii) for several years while her people suffered, Kaiulani (Victoria to her Scottish father) mourned the loss of her Hawaiian mother and her beautiful land. This teenage young lady thought and acted like royalty, wanting the best for her people. Too bad that it didn't happen--her aunt, acting queen, was jailed by American soldiers and sentenced to in-house arrest and hard labor. Kaiulani returned to Hawaii and a few years later, died after developing a serious type of arthritis and a thyroid condition.Princess Kaiulani's heart broke twice, when she gave up the man she loved for the land that she loved.


Hawaii's loss wasn't everyone's gain to say the least. The rich and powerful White minority wanted to dominate the natives of this beautiful necklace of islands, and succeed they did as we all know, but at what price: the inner and outer beauty of a Princess no less, as well as the beauty of the land. The fact that I live in Hawaii may bias my point of view. How can it though? Tears rolling throughout the movie is an indication. Is it? Any grave injustice should bring, among other things, tears. Hawaii was wronged by the USA with formal excuses coming only in 1993. Shame, and tears, many tears for Princess Kaiulani. May her name shine till the end of time.


The other reviews were clearly written by the writer/director or friends of the writer/director or cast members. Don't be fooled. They're more like gushing summaries than real reader reviews. There's much more interesting characters to be portrayed than this person. Wow.... This movie was boring boring boring and amateurish at times. Who funded this thing and how is it possible? I have a couple of bridges I'd like to sell to the financier. This movie doesn't even belong on Lifetime. If you're looking for a good night's rest, I would suggest Ambien. If you're looking to waste 15 minutes of your life before falling asleep, try beating your head against the wall to knock yourself out. You'll still feel better about that 15 minutes than having spent it watching any of this film. This must be a first for the writer/director. Hopefully the last as well.
