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Carjacked (2011)

November. 22,2011
| Action Thriller Crime TV Movie
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A single mom and her child are carjacked by a bank robber who has no intention of letting them go.


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Highly Overrated But Still Good


Disturbing yet enthralling


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.


The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.


wow carjacked sucks ! rubbish script, crap story, boring story, really really boring story. Watch a good crime film like " the getaway " with Steve Mcqueen, but don't waste your time on carjacked it sucks PS ending is idiotic, the baddies run over by a car so hard he'd be dead no question...but no he gets up still able to hold a gun ! this had to be written by someone with maggots for brains and an IQ of 25.How do film makers decide to make a film like this ? who in their right mind could have read the script and said yes thats a good story ? if you want to be entertained do not watch this awful crap. 98% of the scenes in this film are of 2 or 3 people driving in a car..we see nothing of the scenery they would travel past making this some of the worst cinematography I've ever had the misfortune of watching, i cant warn you enough to stay clear of this stinker of a movie


45 minutes in and the only thing picking up any speed was the car. 28dayslateranalysis.com says "One of the more exciting thrillers to come out this year!" Seriously?!? Apparently whoever they got this tag-line from doesn't get out much...AT ALL! Don't waste your time...it be will 89 minutes (if you can stomach it through) of your life you'll never get back. Wow, IMDb won't publish my review because I don't have 10 lines...really?...this movie doesn't rate more than a few lines. It will take me longer to figure out what to say about this pathetic excuse for a movie than the 45 minutes it took me to determine it wasn't worth giving it the other 44 minutes to finish watching.


'CARJACKED': Two and a Half Stars (Out of Five) This is one of those movies that's mildly entertaining but you can definitely see why it was a direct-to-video release. It stars Maria Bello as a single mom fighting a custody battle and Stephen Dorff as a bank robber who steals her car, with her and her son in it. The film was directed by John Bonito (who also directed the popular John Cena vehicle 'THE MARINE') and written by Sherry and Michael Compton. The movie is pretty routine and probably exactly what most people will expect from it but Bello and Dorff do what they can with the material.Bello stars as Lorraine Burton a mother who we meet at a support group, as the film opens, talking about her issues with her ex-husband and guilt over parenting mistakes. Her therapist has told her she's too ambiguous and her friends urge her to get 'angry' and 'take control' of her life. While picking up gas and frozen pizzas at a gas station, for her and her son Chad (Connor Hill), her car is carjacked by Roy, a bank robber desperately trying to avoid authorities. Roy then holds the two hostage as he forces Lorraine to drive him to a rendezvous with his partner and their stolen money. Along the way Roy and Lorraine get to know each other and work out some therapy on each other.As you might have guessed ('spoiler alert') Lorraine does get 'angry' and tries to 'take control' of her life (and the situation), which is supposed to be inspirational I guess, but for me it fell a little flat. It's not horrible, it just didn't work for me, which is true of most of the film. The dialogue, thrills and action are all decent but nothing too impressive at all. The subtle scenes between Dorff and Bello are what did work for me about the film though. Nothing plot developing is very interesting but the small character driven scenes were somewhat amusing thanks in large part to Bello and Dorff's performances. Bello is always good but usually she plays the confident take charge woman, so seeing her as someone passive and insecure is a nice change of pace (even if a lot of the material doesn't work). Dorff isn't a great actor but he is good in the right role, which is playing himself and himself is a slight variation on Christian Slater (in my opinion). No great acting from Dorff here (or in any film) but when allowed to be natural he can be entertaining. In this film both actors are given times to shine which helps make up for every other way the movie is lacking.Watch our review show 'MOVIE TALK' at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYPV4P9FyXg


This is one awful movie. The writing & directing should win this year's Razzie's Award. The actors can't be blamed; except for taking part in this crap. Even the set locations are bad. I mean, supposedly they're on the highway... yet it always look like they're in-town on a 25-40 MPH roads! And the ending; now that's the fart on the top of that mountain of crap.Nothing is believable, from the elementary school bus at a truck stop at midnight(!!) to the nonchalant attitude of the victim and her son towards the carjacker to the cop who tell a kidnapped woman about the state laws regarding child custody instead of trying to help her(??)..So be warned, your time will be wasted for nothing.
