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Kiss Kiss, Kill Kill

Kiss Kiss, Kill Kill (1966)

March. 11,1966
| Crime

Tony and Brad investigate the murders of politicians and scientists. They soon face off against a team of super hit women with their usual flair.


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To me, this movie is perfection.


How sad is this?


Don't listen to the negative reviews


One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.


I started out thinking that this was going to be yet another poorly- executed Bond clone. But once the movie got rolling, it turned out to be a lot of fun. The two lead characters are both cool and charismatic in their own ways. There's a neat 'buddy-cop' vibe happening here; for the most part -- they're opposites. Tony Kendall's character Jo Walker resembles George Clooney (or maybe George Clooney resembles him) and Brad Harris' Tom Randall almost looks like a classic Bond villain's henchman. Of course, in these movies, he's one of the good guys.There were moments during this film that I couldn't help but think of Cowboy Bebop for some reason. Things progress at a good pace. There are plenty of the usual Bond tropes, including scorchingly hot girls, great locations, fast cars, witty dialog, close calls, a classic bad guy (complete with henchman, uber-lair, and nifty hardware), a catchy tune, descent cinematography, and surprisingly good fight scenes. In short, it was better than expected and features a great dynamic between characters.Certainly worth a look.


This is the first Jo Walker (also called 'Kommissar X') film from Germany--a land that seemed to adore adventure series books and films in the 1960s. First they started with the Jerry Cotton films- -about an FBI agent from had fists like steel and always seemed to triumph against the forces of evil in America. Then, short after, they made seven of the Jo Walker flicks. In this first picture, Jo and his friend, the Captain, investigate some murders that point to a weirdo named Oberon. Oberon is basically a knockoff of Goldfinger, as his ultimate plan is to irradiate gold...and he has a formula to remove the radiation as well...making him a very rich man. He has an army of women who sport purple or yellow hair and Jo seems more than over-matched by these Amazons. But of course, he has his secret weapon...his astounding sex appeal!!In some ways this film is like "Goldfinger" and an Austin Powers or Matt Helm film merged together. It obviously doesn't take itself all too seriously...and in that sense it's much different than the Jerry Cotton movies. It also features a larger budget and settings...making it look more like a Bond film. As for me, I actually prefer the Cotton films as they valued realism...and this Jo Walker certainly did not! Very much like a second-rate Bond parody...but a decent Bond parody.


The first in a series of German imitation-Bond films made in the mid-60's, "Kiss Kiss Kill Kill" (now there's a catchy and descriptive title for you!) is rather confusing and meandering in its first half, and at least on the first viewing some plot details are not clear at all. It improves in the second half, when most of the action gets confined inside the villain's underground headquarters located on a remote island, and on the whole it ranks as one of the most enjoyable Bond knockoffs of its time. The basic model here is clearly "Goldfinger", from the playfight between the hero (Tony Kendall, looking a bit like Connery) and a Pussy Galore-type tough "bad" girl who knows judo and leads a female army (though here they are brainwashed via injections), but can't resist him and turns "good", to the more serious fight between the hero and the No. 1 henchman while the clock to an explosion is ticking. "Kiss Kiss Kill Kill" obviously does not have the budget of the James Bond films, but it does have its own charm, and there is a spectacular shot near the end when the camera stays focused on an explosion until the "cloud" completely dissolves. Maria Perschy is beautiful. The English dubbing is excellent. (**1/2)


As the previous poster says, if this is a "Bond rip-off," it's a completely entertaining one. Like the other installments in this series, it has Kendall as the frivolous spy and Harris as his (almost) humorless partner. The running joke is that Kendall keeps getting brushed off - often with physical violence - by the women he tries something with. Could this have helped inspire "Johhny Bravo"? Also, this installment has - and to me there's no better thing in a spy movie - a criminal genius with a female army. (My only complaint with him is that the actor looks a little too much like Billy Sands from McHale's Navy for a spy movie villain!) And of course none of this film takes itself too seriously. I only have one complaint - it has not one but TWO "Pussy Galore"-type characters ; in other words, female helpers of the villain who turn on him and help the heroes. Having two of those is kind of redundant. In fact, the whole female army turns against him too. It should have had one genuine villainess!
