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The Child

The Child (2012)

September. 18,2012
| Thriller

Simon Sachs, a terminally ill ten year old boy, claims to have been a serial killer in his previous life and apparently he can prove it. He leads a lawyer, Robert Stern, to the locations of the bodies, who were killed long before Simon was born. Stern takes on the most compelling and mysterious case of his life.


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Excellent, a Must See

Asad Almond

A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.


This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama


One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.


What in the name of Morgan Freeman is this rubbish? The acting was so wooden it gave me splinters....sadly, they were in my eyes! The plot didn't even have the decency to revel in it's own ridiculousness....and the execution? For such a teeny budget it didn't look bad but the set-pieces that were there to disquiet verged on 6th-form, end-of-term parody. Creepy for all the wrong reasons. What a shame a good idea took the wrong direction. Sure it would have been better in German. Maybe even in Norwegian or Welsh....at least then I wouldn't have to understand the clunky dialogue and painful delivery. I'm going off now to exfoliate with sandpaper to try and get rid of this grubby feeling.


... still one of the better movies Eric Roberts seems to have done in a while now! Of course that shouldn't count in a vote you cast, but since I like him, I added one extra point to the 4 I would've normally given this movie. Acting is decent enough, story not too bad either. Relationship kinda work, while pace is as you'd imagine it to be.Of course the movie will not really surprise you with many things (though I did like the general idea with the kid). The ending does explain what happens, though you'd imagine someone would've thought of that earlier in the story. The movie seems to have a lot of German money in it, which is obvious by the casting they did. It's nice seeing some people that are identified/known for something else breaking their image in this. OK, but not as good as the story could've been


I enjoyed most of this film. The first three quarters was good. I found it quite easy to guess who was the bad guy quite early on, but enjoyed watching how everything played out. I like the third party approach that they took to show the serial killers' view of the situation. I have to say I was very disappointed with everything following the climax of the film though. It was like they had no idea of how to end the film. Everything after this point felt tacked on. The adult characters explanation to Simon at the end about how everything happened felt forced. I think this could have been dealt with better through more flash backs of how it happened and allowing the viewer to making the connection instead of just spelling it out. The death of Simon at the end felt boring, like I'd seen this kind of ending a thousand times before.

Hamza Robin

I am not a professional critic, but I am person who love cinema, and knows what to like. and I liked this movie very much. if their was something i didn't like, it was Erica's reaction to potential threats while he was searching for the bridge with the boy. I believe he should have been more violent. but anyway, that was the character how the director wanted it, and Erica has done that perfectly.the core story in the movie isn't about the serial killer, it is about child trafficking and illegal porn. the serial killer, and his relation to the child comes in the second place. and at the third place comes the story of the detective's son. connection of those three stories in this movie is the amazing thing that made me to write this review.talking about the story, in my opinion, this type of movies is what i call a high end story, from the aspect of respecting the audience, which is not strange for European directors. am not going to spoil the movie more, but i would advise anyone searching a movie that respects his mind to watch this movie, you will be touched, and you will be entertained.
