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Come to My Place, I Live at a Girlfriend's

Come to My Place, I Live at a Girlfriend's (1981)

January. 25,1981
| Comedy

Guy is fired from is job, and asks to stay with his friend and his girlfriend in their apartment. The longer he stays, the more disaster he creates.


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The greatest movie ever made..!




Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,


This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.


Enjoyable comedy by one of France's best director, Patrice Leconte. I liked this one better than «Les Bronzés». But the movie wouldn't be that good (not even close) without Michel Blanc. He plays the friend who's like a leech. He's always in your way, always taking advantage of you. But at the same time, he's the friendly good fellow, the one you don't really want to keep away. Giraudeau is also doing a good job, so is Thérèse Liotard. Great songs by French singer Renaud. A good way to spend 80 minutes. Longer than that might have been a problem.Seen at home, in Toronto, on December 11th, 2005.74/100 (**½)


When he started walking in the cinema, Patrice Leconte decided first to specialize in comedy. This one, will probably remain the best that he ever made. I found it superior to its predecessor: "les bronzés" (1978) with its crude and often vulgar humor.So, after he broached the behavior of the tourists when they're on holiday in the quoted movie, Leconte chose to broach a rather dramatic social problem on a tone comedy: the squatters. Either they gather in flats or tiny houses and they can become delinquents, either they ask hospitality to their close relatives or their friends. Here, the movie deals with the second case. Michel Blanc is fired from his job and becomes jobless and homeless. Bernard Giraudeau gives him hospitality and of course, Blanc agrees. As it was to be expected, Blanc's arrival changes completely Giraudeau's way of life and due to him, he's fired from his job too. Moreover, his wife's leaving him...Michel Blanc' performance is worth the detour. An important part of the movie rests on his shoulders ans he's simply irresistible. He's also the cause of vexing situations for the characters. Besides, the set constitutes a plain comedy but funny enough to burst into laughter. Perhaps, the only fault of the movie is the following one: not going deeper into several situations. I especially think about the moment when Giraudeau is on the streets with Blanc. This moment is rather a bit of a mess and Giraudeau quickly succeeds in becoming reconciled with his wife. Apart from that, a pleasant comedy.


The type of character the harder you try to distance yourself from, the harder they stick. A mess of a friend. Saying I loved it doesn't say anyone else will for humor is a very personal thing. Same category to Annie Hall if it could be of some help.
