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The Postman

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The Postman (1997)

December. 25,1997
| Adventure Action Science Fiction War
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In 2013, there are no highways, no I-ways, no dreams of a better tomorrow, only scattered survivors across what was once the Unites States. Into this apocalyptic wasteland comes an enigmatic drifter with a mule, a knack for Shakespeare, and something yet undiscovered: the power to inspire hope.


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Perry Kate

Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!


Beautiful, moving film.


what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

Billy Ollie

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable


This movie is like watching history long past as Lithuanian. When my country was divided between Prussia, Austro-Hungarian, Russian Empires they banned Lithuanian language and literature, they wanted to wipe us out of existance. Then men called Knygneshiai - book bearers appeared. They brought books and letters from Prussia which even though had our land didn't want us gone. These were brave men who risked their lives, many did, to protect and preserve our fathers and mothers memories alive. I give this movie a solid 10, because this reality is more real then people might think.


Our family thourougjly enjoyed it. The storyline is very creative and highly detailed. Good vs evil a movie made in the best tradition of old style Hollywood. I get it Mr. Costner. The concept of hope and then glory from oppression by the Postman is just terrific. What we believe and hold dear as Americans is portrayed here. The score is wonderful too.


The reason I loathe this movie is it doesn't do any justice to David Brin's stunning novel and the concepts within.The movie takes the most simple plot lines from the book: freedom vs. tyranny and a a loose love story, while ignoring the major points of what constitutes a society, how we choose lies to define us (for better or worse), technology vs. morality, augments vs. neo-hippies, tech- worship, etc.It's embarrassing considering the wealth of riches they had to draw from in the novel.


Continuing my plan to watch every Kevin Costner movie in order, I come to The Postman from 1997.Plot In A Paragraph: Whilst living in post-apocalyptic America, a nameless drifter (KC) dons a postman's uniform, and armed with a bag of mail sets out to con his way into various communities, for free food and shelter. As he does this, he accidentally begins to inspire hope to others. Any goodwill KC earned with Tin Cup was well and truly gone, by the time this movie was released. Mocked as a vanity project during its production, and greeted to savage reviews, including being labelled "Dances With Myself" The Postman never stood a chance, as critics and and the press had a field day, and the public listened to them staying away in droves. Is it perfect?? Far from it. For starters I think it could use some trimming here and there. Maybe if it was an hour shorter it would not have been so savagely reviewed and may have found more of an audience. Because for this reviewer all of the performances are good, it's well directed and has a good score. But sadly, I'd reviewers say stay away, the public behave like sheep and generally listen. I think some people who bash this movie have not actually seen it.
