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The Tribe

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The Tribe (2014)

December. 17,2014
| Drama Crime
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Deaf-mute Sergey enters a specialized boarding school for the deaf-and-dumb. In navigating through the school's hierarchy, he encounters a corrupt underbelly of criminality, known as The Tribe. By participating in several robberies, he gets propelled higher into the organization, when he meets one of the Chief’s concubines Anya, and unwittingly breaks all the unwritten rules of the group.


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Well Deserved Praise


The greatest movie ever!




A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.


My sign language review for this movie is πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž. I can't hear the people speak but I can hear the doors closing, footsteps and paper shuffling? The Tribe? More like 'The Stupid'. Were these guys suppose to be mute as well? Deaf people do make sounds. I don't think they were even using real sign language throughout this flick. Deaf Gangs, Deaf Pimps & Deaf Prostitute Lot Lizards does not equal a good film. What about the irony of throwing up gang signs using sign language. The awkward Deaf Sex scenes were hilarious and it was the only time anyone made any sound. This movie was weird. I wonder what the director will make next, A DEAF MUSICAL? You can't hear the music but you can see it. When they performed the Deaf Abortion I was Dead. Everyone acting or working in this film obviously wrote the bogus positive reviews. My 1st review saying this movie sucked was reported for abuse and deleted. I DEAFinitely want my $$$ back.


Despite what other flaws this movie might have - one obvious one is that deaf people make noise, probably more than people who can hear - it could've at least been watchable. In it's current state it's unwatchable. One very simple reason.No subtitles.Without subtitles this movie is worthless. You can argue about it all day and give some b.s. reason like, for the sake of art, it's not about what they say, etc, etc. But how is this different than watching a foreign language film? So I supposed to guess what's happening? How is that more enjoyable then, say, watching kids play or something through your window from inside your home? So it's OK if deaf people understand it but not people who can hear? What is this movie supposed to achieve? I don't get it. I couldn't finish it.

Michael Zary

The Tribe is one of the most unsettling films of the year. It is set at a boarding school for the deaf in Kiev, where anarchy prevails. There are no words, subtitles, or even a score. The hearing viewer is left to interpret the violent chaos without auditory clues, presenting a unique challenge in understanding the narrative and the motivations of the characters. We are left to confusedly construe scenarios by their actions, and as such, are provided some insight into the helpless isolation of the deaf.As a film, The Tribe may be interpreted in various ways: as a political allegory for the Ukraine, as a discourse on communication through violence, as an allegory to the impotence experienced by minority groups, or as an exploration of enactivism in film. Regardless, there are scenes that are shockingly disturbing, and the direction is unflinching. My only conclusion is that I'm sorry deaf people, but I don't trust you anymore.


A young man arrives at a new boarding school, but his attempts to fit in are thwarted by the criminal element ingrained in his classmates. A brief initiation brawl leads to his inclusion into the family and soon he's stealing, scamming and mugging alongside his new friends. It's not long before he's promoted to the role of pimp and guardian to two female students who sell their bodies for cash at truck stops. When he falls for one of the girls his job grows trickier, leading to an unavoidably violent conflict with his partners in crime........What could have been nothing more than a gimmick to make a movie seem more prolific than it is, makes hearing impairment an almost real character in the film, as the makers show us it's advantages and disadvantages to the protagonists/antagonists.And it's one of the most difficult films to watch that I've seen in a long time. Not because of the films violence, I've seen enough films containing graphic images that I've become slightly numb to on screen violence, it's because the content of the film is so dirty, so real, and the depiction of the Ukraine in this movie makes it seem to be one of the most I inviting places you'll never want to visit.He film has tragedy written all over it from the moment the credits start, and I cannot understand sign language in the slightest, but I knew and understood everything in the narrative, because of body language, the films claustrophobic feel, and long lingering shots that flood the film on many occasion.The camera never shy's away from anything that is happening on screen, it can't, because there is no soundtrack, no subtitles, no voice over. The only thing we hear are crunching of bones, the lighting of cigarettes, and the erratic breathing of the cast.The final third of the film is almost unbearable to watch, as the narratives world comes crashing down around everyone, and the disadvantages of hearing impairment is used in an almost exploitative way to end the film.It's a triumph though for the makers, and the cast, to make a film as gripping and as intense as this, and use only sign language is a work of genius.But it's not a film that I will quickly go back to, as it's a very bleak view of peer pressure when having a disability.Would make a really interesting double bill with Come and See......if you had the bottle to do so.I certainly couldn't.
