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Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension

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Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension (2011)

August. 05,2011
| Adventure Animation Action Comedy
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Phineas and Ferb get trapped in an alternate dimension where the evil Doofenshmirtz rules the tri-state area. They must find a way back home with the help of their pet platypus named Perry, who they discover is a secret agent.


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I'll tell you why so serious


Good story, Not enough for a whole film


Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.

Jenni Devyn

Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.


Even though some of the later season episodes weren't as funny and imaginative as the earlier ones, 'Phineas and Ferb' became a favourite when first introduced to it in 2009 or so. Eight years on, despite being finished, 'Phineas and Ferb' airs regularly on the Disney Channel and it's still a pleasure and one of their best shows in a long time.Although starting with an original concept, the stories in terms of structure are based around the same formula mainly. The ideas and situations however have enough variety to avoid it becoming too repetitive, while it looks good, has one of the catchiest theme tunes of any show in recent years, has wonderful, clever and funny writing, interesting and entertaining character relationships and characters that are easy to like. As likable as the two protagonists are and Candace is more than the stereotypical, tell-tale older sister that she seems, the scene stealers are adorable and funny Perry the Platypus (another example of mastery of actions and expressions registering hugely without uttering a word) and hilariously loony and incompetent Doofenschmirtz.It was inevitable that 'Phineas and Ferb' would get its own feature film, and it richly deserved it with characters and writing strong enough to warrant one. 'Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension' more than does the show justice and as far as films based on Disney Channel shows not released in theatres it's one of the best there is, proof too that 'Phineas and Ferb' had not lost its mojo at this point.Maybe the pacing is a little too fast on occasions, especially in the second half, and the finale is rather overblown and descends too much into silliness (something that the rest of the film avoided, so it was a shame). Flaws aside, 'Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension' is absolutely perfect for existing fans of the show and does a very good job in its attempt to attract a wider audience which shows that the film works on its own too. Children will love it and there is plenty for adults to enjoy, if anything adults or older fans will appreciate the story and humour more most likely.The animation is good and true to the animation style of the show but with a little more visual invention thanks to having a premise that allows for that to happen. It's simple but never simplistic, it's all vibrant in colour and the attention to detail is often marvellous. The music is catchy with some clever lyric writing, despite loving the infectious music in the show there was the fear that the music wouldn't be to my taste here, having heard polarising opinions on it, but coming from someone raised on classical music and opera it was right up my street.'Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension' is particularly good in the writing, characters and character relationships. The writing is remarkably intelligent, witty, inventive and clever with cracking puns and one-liners and references that will delight older audiences. All in the spirit of the show. The characters are both interesting and likable, it has been said that Phineas is out of character, and he is (showing a side to him that has never happened in the show), but one can understand why if anybody knows what its like for someone you love and trust is not who they seem while also understanding Perry's point of view.The characterisations of Perry and Doofenschmirtz are on point and stay true to their original personalities, and Candace's subplot actually to me was crucial in her development while not being as interesting as the rest of the story. The interactions are a joy all round, especially Phineas/Ferb, Phineas/Perry and Perry/Doofenschmirtz.Really liked the story. The fast paced energy of the show's story-lines are intact as are the inventiveness, the characterisations and relationships. Even better was how well 'Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension' did in opening things up with all the ingredients that made the show work so well intact while having the alternate dimension concept that gave the film a darker, bigger and edgier approach. This concept was intriguing and gave a suitable amount of tension and fun. The alternative universe versions of the characters are creepy and entertaining. It even has a touching moment with the reconciliation scene that warmed the heart too.Voice acting is typically terrific, particularly from Vincent Martella (Phineas), Ashley Tisdale (Candace) and Dan Povenmire (Doofenschmirtz).Overall, a real pleasure and complements 'Phineas and Ferb' perfectly. 9/10 Bethany Cox


In the movie the writing is still clever and witty just like the show. The biggest disappointment I had was probably the end fight scene. The rest of the movie was great but I felt like it was a little out of the ordinary. The fight scene was a little too long and a little too cheesy. The end was good but the fight scene is a little disappointing.The whole concept of Phineas and Ferb is great and the movie follows the usual prospects that the show does. It does vary a little more than I thought it would, but then again most TV show to movie adaptations are awful. The movie was clever, witty, well-paced and fun. The whole -inator/Dr. Doofenshmirtz and Perry segments were the best part. Doofenshmirtz and other dimension Doofenshmirtz had great dialogue with each other and it was really funny. The movie is a bit darker and more serious than the show but it doesn't make you wonder why it's a kid show, it still has good amounts of humor for the kids. It deals with Perry being a secret agent and the boys finding out and it makes it more sad and serious. I love the movie but it is not quite as good as the show. If this is your first try of the show try the first season. The first season sets up the humor for the rest of the show and it's still funny. The show isn't based around slap-stick humor but a more witty and more intelligent humor. A lot of the humor comes from multiple viewings of the show. If you just watch one episode, you might think its kinda funny but not worth your time. Think again. The show gets funnier after every episode. Some of the inside jokes from the show appear in the movie, which makes it twice as funny. Some people complain that it's the same thing over and over again. That's where the writers derive a lot of their humor from. In almost every episode Ferb says one line of dialogue, but in one of the episodes he has two lines and the other characters in the show make fun of that. Another example, Perry and Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Perry gets captured, Doofenshmirtz tells Perry his plan and why he's doing it, then Perry escapes and blows up Dr. Doofenshmirtz's -inator. In one of the episodes Perry has to help someone else so he rushes in and breaks the -inator and leaves. Dr. Doofenshmirtz is left dumbfounded because Perry didn't wait for Doofenshmirtz to capture him. It's so much funnier in the show. If you don't like the movie, try the show. It's not as bad as the Avatar: Th Last Airbender, TV show to movie transformation but then again what is.All in all, the movie's really good but the show is better. The movie adaptation, while being quite alike the show, it does have different elements in it. Still highly recommended for Phineas and Ferb lovers.


If you want to see the best animated movie of 2011.This is it.The Storyline was superb.There is almost no flaw in the movie except the songs the songs where not as catchy as the songs in the animated cartoon.That,s why I rated it as 9/10.If the songs had been better.It would have been 10/10.All the characters played out there roll successfully without any flaws.But Ferb could have been better and they could have made the movie a lot funnier. Ferb had a very unimportant roll in the Film .The other dimension Candice was just plain awesome with the style and everything including Esabella.This movie is good for adults and kids.Do not underestimate it as a childish movie.


Now I know why this movie was and is nominated as "Best Animated TV Film of All Time"! This movie was so, so good! I love the series, and the movie gave me a whole new perspective. There were very few flaws in this movie. This movie is charming, funny, surprising and chock full of action! I recommend this to anyone and everyone who enjoys a good animated film, or any of the Disney movies. This truly compliments the series and the ending is a shocker!SPOILERS: The whole movie is based upon Doctor Doofenshmirtz new "Inator" and how Phineas and Ferb come to be in the opposite dimension of their own. The movie is very edgy and very entertaining, especially the whole twist they put onto the plot (Phineas and Ferb finding out Perry leads a double life, Isabella kissing Phineas as their minds are about to be wiped, etc.)Overall I give this film a 10/10. See this on TV, buy it on DVD, view it on Netflix- I don't care! See this film, especially if you have a child.
