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The Crow: City of Angels

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The Crow: City of Angels (1996)

August. 29,1996
| Fantasy Action Thriller
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A murder victim is brought back to life by a mysterious crow. With the help of a beautiful woman named Sarah, he exacts revenge on his killers -- only to realize his enemy has discovered the one weakness that can destroy him forever.


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Sadly Over-hyped


Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.

Griff Lees

Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.

Mathilde the Guild

Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.


The first Crow film was a brilliant and Gothic re-visioning of a graphic Novel. Eric Draven was played by Brandon Lee who notoriously died during the making of the film. I loved the original. I watched this one hoping that it could at least hold a candle to the original. In the long run it's a totally different movie to the first. Yes this movie is still dark and gritty as the original but it's also has different feeling. The characters are different as well as the story line. This movie doesn't follow Draven. It follows a different character. You will definitely enjoy it more when you stop thinking of it as a sequel. It is it's own movie. Once you get that stuck in your head you'll find it much more enjoyable. For one thing this about revenge of a sons death. Not a girlfriend. I think this movie is a great movie and perfect for Halloween.


Many years after the first film, the spirit of the Crow resurrects another man (Vincent Perez) seeking revenge for the murder of his son.Now, apparently there is an extremely long cut that exists out there, approved by the director. The version we see today is heavily cut and put together by the studio, against the wishes or the writer and director. But, regardless of that, it is still a good movie.This film really captured the dark nihilism of the 1990s in a way that the first one did not. The music, the barren image of Los Angeles... this is very much the philosophical sentiment of the time. Movies and music in the 1990s did not have to leave the audience happy. Sometimes they left us empty, or feeling alone, and this film has much of that... even the heroes are lost souls.Also, excellent choice in casting Mia Kirshner. Whether it was from "Exotica" or from a screen test, whatever got her in this film was a good thing. She shines, even more than the Crow himself.

Python Hyena

The Crow: City of Angels (1996): Dir: Tim Pope / Cast: Vincent Perez, Mia Kershner, Iggy Pop, Thomas Jane, Vincent Castellanos: Thankless chunk of sewage that delivers nothing but visual effects. We never learn anything of this city of angels but it's probably just as well. Vincent Perez steps in replacing Brandon Lee who died while filmmaking the original. In that film a young man is killed by a gang and the revenge he enacts when a crow becomes his vision. In this sequel the same crap happens again and he kills the guilty one by one. Director Tim Pope allows everything to get away on him. Instead of a man and wife, it is a father and son who witness a murder and are erased for it. He kills them one by one and we don't give a rat's ass. Perez is not doing anyone any favors by appearing in this mess and Mia Kershner delights in sharing the overacting credit. Also wasting our time are singing sensation Iggy Pop, looking less than sensational here, and Thomas Jane who looks even less sensational. This junk exist only because the first Halloween act of lunacy made money. But let it be known that the first film is basically Death Wish in costume. For better use of your time, listen to any number of Iggy Pop songs. This pathetic sequel should be placed in a trash bag and burned along with the other garbage that emerged from Hollywood this year. Score: 1 / 10

Owen Jones

I wish you could give negative ratings.This is awful, a film without redeeming features. Let's list them.Story - 100% copy Bad Guy - Pathetic Good Guy - An shambolic shadow of Eric Draven Aesthetics - not sure was too dark to see anything.The Crow is one of a few films I would give 10/10 to. As such it is obviously one of my all time favourites. This is my actual least fave film and it includes films I couldn't watch in their entirety such as the original Re-Hash of The Hulk or recently Barbarossa! There is no reason at all to watch this film. it's not camp and therefore funny. It is not ironic, self deprecating or even a decent stand alone flick. Its appalling.Watch something else
