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The Innocents

The Innocents (2015)

April. 09,2015
| Horror

19th century Argentina. After having had to leave the country fifteen years ago, prodigal son Rodrigo finally returns to the family farm in Mercedaria to introduce his wife Bianca to his parents. He’s not really looking forward to this family reunion. His youth was spent working with the slaves on the farm who were treated without mercy by his parents. His father regularly abused the female slaves, while his mother even burned one alive to save the family honor. It’s time for some ghostly revenge and this happens to coincide with Rodrigo’s return.


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Lack of good storyline.


a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.


Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.


The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.


I just checked this film out on Netflix,I rated it a 1 only because 0 is not an option.the plot line awful,trying to re-captured days gone by awful..it is overall a shoddy job. I do understand that 90% of South/Latin America are years behind when it comes to race issues so maybe that would explain the insensitivity of the entire film, very disturbing to watch.....Eurrghhhhhhh.


This film is streaming on Netflix right now. It has an intriguing premise and cover art so I decided to check it out. One of the first things that The Innocents has going for it is beautiful cinematography. The lighting, scenery and wardrobe is very attractive. Visually this is very good work. The plantation and it's surrounding properties are authentic in every way. As far as casting goes the characters all look the part but some of their performances are sorely lacking in credibility. The language translation only furthers this problem since this is subtitled. The plot is familiar territory. Nothing new there but it's the script and dialogue that is truly uninspired. All in all this is okay. Not total garbage but not good either. Perhaps there could be a reimagining of this...


what some of the reviewers seem not to understand, this isn't a horror movie where someone is going to run after you with a chainsaw or zombies will hobble/run behind you. The horror is in what the enslaved people went through and the curse that carries on. the horror is in the implications. The son's wife asks about the slaves and the son doesn't know. He assumes the slaves were sold. In a dinner conversation the father says there is a need to be ruthless. Later in a flashback scene we see the father get a gun while cursing the salves for the bad weather.... he heads for the door with the gun in his hand. We don't know exactly what he did, there is only the horror of the implication.... He went and shot the slaves because he assumed they were causing the bad weather. When in fact the curse on the land was because of the white family's actions...


The Innocents follows a slave master as he sends his son to the city to receive treatment for his disability. When his son returns, new developments have occurred on the manor that may threaten both the characters and the fate of the property. The story itself is reasonably interesting and well-presented. There are aspects that I thought were really cool, and while I wasn't at all surprised by most of them, they were interesting at least. The characters are mostly well-written and developed, and they stay pretty consistent too. The acting is good enough to allow the characters to feel mostly realistic, with the exception of maybe some actors being a little below average. Where this movie fails is in it's horror. It advertises itself as a horror simply because there are ghosts in it, which really didn't need to exist at any point save for the ending really. And even then, the ending wasn't a big enough deal to really change anyone's overall opinion of the film. While some horror elements proved to be somewhat unsettling, most were generic or just plain unscary. Overall The Innocents is a decent movie. The story is good, the characters are good, but the horror aspect could have used some serious work. In the end I'd probably still recommend this movie.
