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The Counterfeiters of Paris

The Counterfeiters of Paris (1962)

July. 17,1962
| Comedy Crime

"Le Dabe" retired many years ago and now he lives in the Tropics where he owns stables and horses. He is a very rich man. He was the king of all money counterfeiters. He is contacted from Paris to organize a new job. He says no. But when he finds out the the currency that should be counterfeited is the Dutch florin, he accepts immediately. He retired after having counterfeited 100 florin notes just before the Queen Wilhelmina retired them from circulation. He flies to Paris. But the gang is not to be trusted, at least not all of them.


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Such a frustrating disappointment


Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful


A Major Disappointment


The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.


Made by Gilles Grangier, a minor director whose films were not that bad ,"Le Cave Se Rebiffe" was a bit tongue in chick ,not to be taken seriously.Maurice Biraud was a touching character,lost in a world of crooks,counterfeiters and traitors.Michel Audiard -who finally began to direct his own movies in the late sixties:"Faut Pas Prendre Les Enfants Du Bon Dieu Pour Des Canards Sauvages" starring Françoise Rosay ,etc-came up with some of his best lines .My favorite line:Gabin comes to see Rosay and asks her for some "paper" for his job (forger).But the merchandise does not satisfy him and he answers: You can use them as paper cones of chips!(=bags of chips) Not much food for thought but very funny and entertaining.


Someone made me discovered this film emphasizing on the beautiful dialogs and the strong performance of Mr Jean Gabin. Being a huge fan of the film makers next greater success' "les tontons flingueurs", I was not reluctant at all to watch this movie. These aging gangster movies play with the morals of that earlier time. Subsequently it's OK to cheat on your husband and to have your house in a former "bordel" and of course all your long time friends are geniuses in the world of crime. The viewer enjoys a nice feeling of coolness and simplicity watching the actors displaying their lives. The introduction to the characters is also very interesting, allowing Mr Gabin a honorable entry in the plot. And of course each character has his own memorable quotes : *[...] and if I went on with psychoanalysis, I'd say he's the king of fools!". * "- In pure theory how much could we hope for with that counterfeit? - 20 years! Profit splits, imprisonment adds up" I would not want to finish this review without raising my hat to Bernard Blier, a huge "supporting actor with the charisma of a main character". His nonchalant act is great and honest. He belongs to the few artists who know how to catch your attention with an indescribable magnetism. Hope you enjoy it too.


Le Cave se rebiffe is one of my favorite movies of all times. With an impeccable cast (Jean Gabin, Bernard Blier and Maurice Biraud among others)and an excellent story to go along things can't go anything but right. Add to that the dialogs from Michel Audiard and voilà! a masterpiece.This movie contains two of my favorite Audiard one liners, I'll try and translate for non French-speaking members: - About Eric, Jean Gabin says: "If stupidity could be measured, he'd serve as a yardstick for it" - Talking with Maurice Biraud: "To deny your own talents makes it easier for mediocre people to succeed".Real funny stuff, but also things to think about.

Robert McLaughlin

It has been many years since I saw this film, and I keep hoping I will run into it again somewhere. I was struck by two unusual aspects.First, the film appears to show considerable detail about the actual production of counterfeit Dutch currency, almost as if it were a step by step introduction for aspiring forgers of the 1960s.Second, Jean Gabin as the master forger does not simply outwit the local police and leave his would-be accomplices empty-handed, but then calmly makes for the airport with a suitcase full of real currency. Like a businessman who has had a satisfying overseas trip, he settles back without a care in the world while his plane wafts him to some tropical paradise where there will be no pesky European police to ask questions.All in a good week's work, the film seems to conclude.
