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Eddie Izzard: Circle

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Eddie Izzard: Circle (2002)

November. 18,2002
| Comedy
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Town Hall, New York City, 26 June 2000. An evening with Eddie Izzard in which she moves back and forth in time, with religion as the loose but constant theme.


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Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.


It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny

Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.

bob the moo

After a terribly dated and silly Matrix-style opening sequence, this DVD opens up with the show filmed live in New York Town Hall. Circle was the first live show I've seen from Izzard in a while and I was quite looking forward to it and was happy to find him on good form. His style is the same as it ever was, with perfectly scripted scatological material done with good timing and delivery that makes him such fun to flit along with. Fans have already noted that some of the topics he covers are similar to ones he has done before – God as James Mason, religion, the British Empire, Star Wars etc; but he doesn't really do the same things or the same jokes with these.Instead he goes off on different flights of fancy which are witty and clever even if they are slightly more hit and miss than normal. One of the problems is that the film either doesn't capture the atmosphere or there wasn't at atmosphere to capture. The venue doesn't feel "full" in the way that a venue full of excitement can do but rather it feels full of people who have come along for a look. This feeling probably wasn't helped by the fact that technical problems with the sound broke up the flow for about thirty minutes during filming but regardless the audience don't seem to be getting into it and it is something Izzard notices with his regular references to "6 people jokes" etc. It knocks him a little bit at times and you can see it as he doesn't appear to be enjoying himself quite as much as his best shows but still he delivers it well.Fans will still have much to enjoy here because Izzard is almost as good as he has been in the past and it is only the slight feel that he has done some of the topics before and also the slightly stilted audience that takes away from it.

Howlin Wolf

... or at least that's what the summary on my Sky+ (Tivo) said, so maybe it was hyperbole...I love "Dress to Kill", and the odd line or segment of this was funny, but too many times he didn't segue between topics very well. I know Eddie's style is supposed to be random but in "Dress to Kill" he usually tied his fantasy and surrealism back to a 'Big Overall Point'. I felt that he didn't really do that here and that there were too many 'awkward leaps' from one topic to another.It improved in this aspect as it went along, and the bit about the pagan vampires and cannibals incorporated into the Christian religion was very funny,(- Eat this cheese for it is my body. - But it's Judea, Dad. Cheese melts. - Alright then, "Eat this cheese for it is my central nervous system." Hmmmm. Alright, alright, "Now eat these chicken drumsticks, for they are my legs, eat these carrots, they are my arms, eat this tomato, it is my head, and eat these oysters, they are my kneecaps.")... but I felt almost as if Eddie were just hitting his stride right as the TV transmission ended.6/10 here versus 9/10 for "Dress to Kill"...


I have been a fan of Eddie Izzard for years now, ever since his bit on The Old Testament and "Evil Ducks". (If you don't know what I'm talking about it is his 1997 stand-up named 'Glorious') I have since watched all of his available stand-up several times, and always laugh.That being said, I was so excited to see this become available in the US. But I must say,I was a little disappointed. Although still chuckle worthy, I didn't feel like he was quite as comfortable with an American audience. His unique way of dispensing interesting pieces of information, always so witty and honest. I will continue to follow Eddie in hopes that this was an off year(2000). I would imagine,with all the world events lately,he should have plenty to say now. Let's just hope he will.If you're an Eddie fan,I would say this is a must rent. Still lively, and intelligent,just with slightly less enthusiasm than I've seen from him in the past.


Normally I would praise Eddie for his acheivements.... he has done a hell of a lot without getting into the dreaded British and American TV thing, but alas this dvd was a little too strained even for a hardened fan like myself.Some of the material was great..... but not up to scrath considering dress to kill and unrepeatable to name a couple.At least we have his acting skills if the comedy shows dont work out.Maybe eddie should come home to england and forget america for a bit and get to grips with the homeland that spawned his mind and its creativity
