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The Killing of Satan

The Killing of Satan (1983)

June. 10,1983
| Horror Action

A Filipino-made horror-fantasy movie about a man who is chosen by his dead uncle to battle the forces of evil. He fights a being called "The Prince of Magic," who shoots rays from his hands, makes heads spin around and hypnotizes people. He finally faces Satan himself and engages him in a battle of magic


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Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.


Load of rubbish!!


An absolute waste of money


Absolutely brilliant

Sam Panico

Lando San Miguel just got out of jail and he's already been given an impossible task. Hunt down and kill Satan. Not someone named Satan. Yep. The devil himself.Luckily, Lando's uncle takes a bullet meant for him and gives him all of his powers. Of course, he has to deal with the devil's men taking his wife and daughter after killing his son. Lando says stuff like, "Every day I pray to God that he doesn't fill me with murderous rage again." Guess what? God is sending you to kill Satan! You better get ready, Lando.His big power is to make spirals come out of his hands that deflect bullets. Sure the bullets still leave holes in his shirt. But at least they don't kill him.There's also a dude along for the ride whose wife gets turned into one of Satan's slaves, so the dude makes her breasts explode. Yes, that really happens.Lando also meets God, who gives him a powerful weapon: a stick. This allows him to fight more dudes and a woman who turns into a dog before battling Satan, who is getting ready to marry his kidnapped daughter.There's also a scene where a snake gets tied into a knot. So there's that.


Satan is on the prowl with his minions and a doubtful man is called upon to take the place of his uncle as the head of a band of holy men challenging the prince of darkness. Wild and woolly film is the absolute definition of Psychotronic film making. This film is simply out there with some truly wild images from Satan all in red to the man run over by the boulder to the spinning head (imagine if Linda Blair's head was on a turn table at 78 RPMs). Its a one of a kind film that is absolutely stunning in its plot and images. Wow. If you want off beat and out there this film is for you. I have no idea if its good because its just wild. Weird movie lovers need to search this out.


The Killing of Satan is a terrible movie with an awful lot of charm because of it, the best kind! If you are into the "so bad it's good" mentality this film is definitely a must see. In a movie production sense this film is criminally woeful, with one of the worst plots and some of the tackiest editing, acting and costumes you will ever see. Despite this, it is highly entertaining with a strong camp appeal. Lando, a 30 something average looking man with an awesome gay porn mustache is the protagonist and the sheer ludicrousness of his plight is enough to have you in stitches. This is only the tip of the iceberg however, get this movie for a rainy day.

Bogey Man

Efren C. Pinon's Philippine film Killing of Satan must be one of the worst films I've ever seen! It stars bunch of amateurs without even a small ability to act, and the whole film is so ridiculous. The "story" is something about some people travelling to some island, where strange things happen, and soon Satan himself appears there!! I really cannot tell plenty about the plot since it all is very confusing and I found myself laughing for most of the time. This film is so laughably bad it's enjoyable!How can this kind of people ever appear in film? Especially the main character Lando is so wooden, boring and un-charismatic, it is total miracle he was chosen as an actor for this "film!" The acting is of course non existent by all the actors, and everyting else sucks, too. The effects are as ridiculous as possible, as guys shoot funny laser beams from their arms, which make funny noises as the beams fly! I almost killed myself because the laugh-o-meter was so high! World absolutely needs these trash movies since sometimes it is great to relax and enjoy these non-sense turkeys! This was without a doubt intended as serious adventure/horror film, but it fails horribly. The Satan is played by two different actors, and the other one is very fat while the other ain't! The costumes of Satan and other characters are so laughable and they probably found them from some local flea market. The film was without a doubt shot at someone's backyard and the total budget was perhaps less than a ten year old's week money. There is some blood and one fairly cool face ripping, but that's all there is in the "horror department" and I really don't know what the other reviewer means by talking something about some "snuff" scenes in this film!! I watched this smut back on Dutch VHS which is without a doubt the uncut version. The funniest thing about all this is that I didn't know what kind of film this is, and I expected this to be some serious foreign horror film with some merits as a genre film. You can imagine what was my amazement like when the first laser rays and pair of tricot appeared! I'm happy this film was bad in a way that I managed to enjoy it since if it was so bad it's unenjoyable, I definitely wouldn't have been able to sit through this. Now the film runs 90 minutes, and is pure nonsense whole time, but due to its unintentional comic status this was so much fun, but one has to appreciate trash in order to "enjoy" stuff like Killing of Satan. One part of me hates this film for the reason it wasn't a serious horror as I thought, and another part loves this for same reasons and the film being so stupid and funny. It is impossible to rate this film, since this is so full of trash and nonsense, others just love it and others hate. I think that due to the fact that this managed to make me laugh a lot, I'll give this 2/10 and that's still pretty much! The director is definitely a genius!
