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The Graveyard

The Graveyard (2006)

June. 27,2006
| Horror

Six friends go to the Placid Pines Cemetery to play hide and seek in the tombs. When a "harmless" prank ends in the accidental death of one of the group, the prankster goes to prison. Five years later the friends meet up in the cemetery again to resolve the issues of that fatal night. When members of the group start getting murdered one at a time, they realize that this time it's no prank.


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Excellent, a Must See


It is so daring, it is so ambitious, it is so thrilling and weird and pointed and powerful. I never knew where it was going.

Murphy Howard

I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.


This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.


***SPOILERS*** A romp in the graveyard at midnight didn't turn out to be such a good idea for young Eric as he ended up being chased by a masked psycho ending up impaled on a steel fence. We soon find out, what Eric didn't live long enough to, that the whole thing was just a joke, a deadly joke, played on him by his friends. The joke not only ended up killing him but the person who was chasing Eric, that lead to his untimely death, Bobby ended up doing time, five years, in prison for manslaughter. It's now five years later with Bobby released on parole and him and his friends, who were involved in Erics death, now back at the scene of the crime. Everyone involved with Eric's death want to reflect and meditate at what they did to the poor guy and finally have closer to what happened; but closer is not what Eric or whoever the masked killer is wants he wants revenge!Not bad slasher flick that keeps you guessing to who's doing all the slashing with this masked psycho doing in everyone at Camp Placid where all of Eric's friends are staying. There's a lot of very heavy action going on at the camp as well with the big stud Jack, or "Jock de Lovier", of the group of young people trying to make it with all the cute and sexy chicks there. Intead of making it Jack ends up losing his head, literately, when things start to go over it as well as get out of control.Bobby the ex-con of the bunch who at first didn't seem to care less of what's was going on at Camp Placid later started to get very apprehensive over all the killing. Bobby feeling that he's, being a convicted felon, going to be held responsible for them by the local authorities. He then tries to get help only to end up arrested, by the county's cop or Man of the Year 1974, and put behind bars for a murder that he not only didn't commit but didn't even now about: the killing and decapitation of some unidentified biker.The masked killer does in almost all the people who came to say grace and reflect on Eric's life and death but also adds a new victim to his list Zoe a dike. Zoe was after one of Eric's friends Sarah who broke up with her because she was getting too much into the hot and heavy leather scene. Not at all interested in the rough trade Sarah felt that it was time for her to split. With Bobby found innocent, through a fax from the state police, of the bikers murder he's released by Sheriff "Man of the Year 1974" and shoots, with the dead bikers bike, straight to the graveyard knowing just who the killer, from the fax identifying the headless biker, is and trying to save, it turned out to be sweet Michelle, whoever is still left alive of the group that came there with him.You don't exactly expect to see "Hamlet" or "Citizen Kane" here but for a slasher film its not all that bad at all. The on the loose psycho really gets to do his thing in a number of bloody and gruesome cut-up jobs before he reveals himself. It then, knowing that this is going to be his big moment in the movie, he lets it all hang out especially his tongue and eyeballs as he goes completely wacko. Trying to finish off those still left alive including "Man of the Year 1974" who does such a good job in apprehending the killer, in fact he screwed everything up, that he's promised by his boss, the county's top cop, that he's been put in for being honored as "Man of the Year 2006"; but not to hold his breath waiting to get the award.


I just finished watching this movie and the acting was very cheesy and pathetic. There was not plot and horror shots to me were from some stupid b-rated 1980's horror flick. I know Sperl the actress, and I think she tries really hard but she needs to have a better attitude and try to be more real. But then again, I'm just a wanna be model and don't know anything better in life. Well, I only have my nanny sister who's think she's better than me like everyone else. I think my family background would make a better movie then this one. Let alone my relationship with guys are a horror in its own self. Peace:)

James K

The only thing going for this movie is picture quality. There is no shock or horror when the people are killed, only why. And the why, is not worth the wait. The plot is boring, the acting even more so. Sub-plots that are made to drive the viewer away from guessing the killer go absolutely nowhere. The clues that are given turn out to be nothing, the killings are overly gruesome without a reason. And when the killer is divulged, i was as confused as anything. Look, if the people making this movie would be kind enough to explain to me how a person can be in 2 places at once and the point of the cop in this movie, i would be very thankful! Akin to the name, this movie should stay in the graveyard and all will be better off not watching it!


My work received a screener pack from Maple for movies released in June. Through past experiences most of the films in them were, well just plain appalling. And I would end up turning them off within the first few seconds. But this movie caught my eye from the very start. The art for the cover was rather dark and somewhat scary looking, so of course I loved it! I found myself relating to the film really quickly. Just brought me back to when I was a teenager and playing hide and seek in a graveyard, good times. So most people can find themselves relating to this movie, which in return makes it much more freaky, cause you start to think about this stuff happening to you, which in all respects it can. Its not one of those movies that are far fetched and just unbelievable.You get a Friday the 13th vibe in this movie from the very start, mostly from the surroundings and the kills in it. Not to mention the fact that it is based in a summer camp. The one down fall is that the killer is easily guessed. Within the first ten minutes I had a good idea of who it was and why they were killing.I would defiantly recommend this film to a horror fan. It has all the factors of a good horror film, blood, knives, those characters who you hate and would like to kill yourself, some laughs, but not too many, a straight to the point plot, no extremely unbelievable stories. And finally the whole fear with being able to relate to the story, there is nothing more scary then that.Truly worth a watch.
