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Friday the 13th Part X: To Hell and Back

Friday the 13th Part X: To Hell and Back (1995)

October. 13,1995
| Horror

He was sent to Hell, but not even Hell can hold Jason forever. With the help of a few mischievous teenagers, and a book from the Voorhees estate. Jason is brought back from his fifteen year sabbatical in Hell. Well rested, and eager to get back to work, hacking up the Crystal Lake, New Jersey teens. Will he ever be stopped? CAN he be stopped?


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Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.


It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

Sanjeev Waters

A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

Raymond Sierra

The film may be flawed, but its message is not.


In 1995, a few high school kids grabbed a camcorder, and made their own Friday The 13th film. And they did a helluva good job. Honestly, I didn't expect to make it 10 minutes into this before turning it off. Just the opposite happened. I became enthralled in the film. This is top-notch fan-filmmaking. It's not perfect, but it's damn good. Really good. After it was over, I felt like I had watched an actual F13 film, and not just a fan film.You know the short films that Sam Raimi made as teen with Bruce Campbell and his friends? I've seen most of those short films, and this is on the same level, and probably even better.Seriously, if you have time, check it out! This is very impressive for a bunch of teenagers screwing around with a camcorder in 1995. I'll tell you this - it's a helluva lot better than the professionally-made Part 8!


Film begins with padding as cop kills time walking through graveyard, and drinking soda, for some reason. Why was this included in film? Jason is then resurrected by numbskull high schoolers reading from the Book Of The Dead, to wreck more havoc at the lake.I vaguely remember hearing about this back in the 1990s, that particular resurrection part of the plot was (at least partially) being considered for a new Friday The 13th flick at that time, maybe around 1994, which never materialised.Jason is barely glimpsed, and it's probably better that way, as the Jason makeup leaves a LOT to be desired. He looks quite skinny here, like he needs to have a good meal at the buffet before slashing his way through the cast. At the climax, it is quite apparent that the actor is merely wearing a plastic Jason mask, the bottom of it is clearly visible.Good death scene early on, with a large rock being smashed into a guy's head, but the rest is expectedly amateurish.Opening scenes are possibly taken from actual Friday the 13th? Music during the opening credits is taken from part VII , while the final scenes rip off of Jason Goes to Hell. An awful cover of Alice Cooper on the soundtrack brings back memories of Part VI; Pseudo Echo reminds one of Part V.Too derivative, is this a (fan made) continuation of the Friday the 13th film series, or a tribute to it, or a rip off of it? Regardless, this is about as good (or bad) as Jason Goes To Hell was. That is either a compliment to this film, or a deserving insult to Jason Goes To Hell.According to the closing credits, this was recorded on Fuji S-VHS Tape Stock. Original release 1995, ReduX 2010.
