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Escape from Hell

Escape from Hell (2000)

January. 30,2000
| Drama Horror

Do you believe in life after death? Dr. Eric Robinson wants to believe and experience that infinite love and warmth that near death testimonies claim is on the other side of life. His colleague, Dr. Marissa Holloway, is on a crusade to alleviate the fear of death and suffering by proving to the world that heaven awaits everyone. In a moment of desperation, Dr. Robinson faces death and discovers the reality of hell – a place the Bible portrays – a hell from which we must all escape.


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Excellent film with a gripping story!


Beautiful, moving film.


I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible


The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.


Let me declare myself: I am a Bible-believing Christian who has studied and written more about this subject than most other people. Escape from hell is not a new movie, it's a poor remake of Flatliners with an emphasis on what many are discovering is a thoroughly discredited doctrine. The mainstream Christian world-view is that all unbelievers go to a place of fire and torture at the end of their lives. This is based on cherry-picking scriptures to support a pre-formed mindset, rather than a whole Bible revelation. This movie does nothing to remedy this 1500 year old error. Global grace books and documentaries have soundly rebutted this error in teaching, yet this movie and others like it persist in promoting an outmoded fallacy that seeks to terrify people back into church. It's a discredited fairytale from the middle ages with a 21st century makeover, yet, like the doctrine it's supposed to represent, Escape from Hell fails the credibility test on every level.


This film is a lie. It's one big outright lie from start to finish. I'd like to start off as saying that I am NOT anti-Christian; I have nothing against Christ and believe in Him myself. What I am against is any religion, Christianity or otherwise, using fear and lies to try to frighten people into believing what they believe, and "Escape From Hell" is a prime example of just that.First of all, it's absolutely appalling how misinformed the makers of this film are regarding the concept of near-death experiences. Anyone who has any understanding of near-death experiences knows that experiencers Christian and non-Christian alike have had wonderful, heavenly experiences involving a Being of Light and tangible Love unlike anything they've ever felt. While there are also hellish near-death experiences, they typically occur to people who are filled with either hatred or fear; the majority of hellish near-death experiences in the United States alone come from people with a fire-and-brimstone Christian background. Why? Because our thoughts become manifest in the spiritual realm. Those who are dominated by love created heavenly experiences; those who are dominated by hatred or fear create hellish experiences.The second appalling thing about this movie is that the filmmakers apparently don't know all that much about what Jesus taught about spirits, considering that He said that a tree is known by its fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit (Matthew 12:33). The fruit He refers to is that of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). This test was applied to spirits to test whether they were godly or demonic (Matthew 12:35). The problem with the mentality of people like these filmmakers that is that anything that doesn't fit their extremely narrow-minded views is automatically labeled "Satanic." They really ought to be more careful about that, considering another warning given by the One they profess to worship with regards to crediting works of God to Satan (Matthew 12:31-32). I'm sure said filmmakers would undoubtedly come back with with the argument that Satan masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14), but all that reminds us is that demonic forces can be deceptive, and this passage does nothing to nullify the aforementioned test Jesus has given to us. If a spirit or other paranormal being bears love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, then you have nothing to fear. If it doesn't, run like hell.If you really want to learn about near-death experiences, then start reading up on them. Don't limit yourself to the near-death experiences of people from any one religion; God is far too big of a Concept to be confined to any one religion, and so is the afterlife. As for tripe such as "Escape From Hell," the filmmakers have forgotten how one of the Ten Commandments instructs them to not lie, something they would do well to remember if they truly believe themselves to be so pious.


I ran into this on late-night Christian TV. I was initially disappointed, as the story moved along somewhat ploddingly. It begins with a guy being revived from death in a hospital that looks like the basement of an oil refinery, that's lit entirely in red. Later, we discover that the patient is actually a doctor intrigued by reports of near-death experiences in which patients report seeing Heaven.Wanting to see for himself, he injects himself with a deadly cocktail, and calls a doctor friend to revive him.As it turns out, he travels through a tunnel of light to Heaven, which is an incredibly beautiful mountain range with lights flitting around. One of these lights turns into a human (presumably God), and informs the doctor that it "isn't his time" and he "has to go". Inexplicably, he's then thrown into Hell. If it isn't his time for Heaven, isn't it not his time for Hell, too? Anyway, he flies through a tunnel of fire and lands in the scorching plains of Hell, where he soon runs into a dead colleague who's begging for water. We learn via flashback that the reason the colleague was cast into Hell is that he channel-surfed past John Hagee on the TV. Wow...pretty touchy, God! As the doctor's friend revives him, he's drawn back to Earth, presumably to get all preachy on everyone with his newfound belief.I laughed long and loud at this film. It includes everything: the stereotypical smug and sneering atheist, the righteous convert, the ignorant scientist, and the silly mythology.A funny but happily short film. Might be good for drinking games at a party of heathen friends.


This Christian movie does an excellent job of using out of body experience as a tool to communicate the Gospel message. I am surprised by good acting, storyline, and camera work on this low budget production. It is not a cinema movie, but captivating and it does what it was made to do. Make people think about life after death.Some reviewers bash the movie for lack of theological integrity, but I disagree. No movie can perfectly portray heaven or hell. Books, painting, or movies can only give a glimpse of what heaven or hell might be. The movie shows hell does exist and only faith in Christ can save you, while stressing the fact that your good morality cannot save you.I have to say, the movie's biggest theological weakness is the 70's and 80's presentation of the Gospel. There is a heavy emphasis on faith in Christ. There is a lack of communicating that living a godly life must also be integrated to your faith. James clearly says faith without works is dead.
