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One Day

One Day (2012)

September. 04,2012
| Animation Family

One man always on the move will have an encounter that puts into question everything he knows.


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Wonderfully offbeat film!


Good , But It Is Overrated By Some

Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

Taha Avalos

The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.

bob the moo

Although it is very slight in how it does it, there is a nice air of suggestion to this short film that both makes it a bit frustrating but also nicely open. We join a man who is always moving around – in this case it is due to his house seeming to teleport to a different place every day; it sounds exciting but ultimately he is alone and tied to his house, never able to stay or make any sort of connection with others. However, one day…Although there is a lot that could have been done to show us the places the man goes, the film mostly shows us this in the sketches in his diary, all with the note 'rien à faire' at the foot of the page (nothing to do). It is a nice way to do it that emphasizes that he gets no joy from his journeys. From here we get a simple connection being made which leads to an ending that again is both subdued but also open. As an approach the film is to be commended for underplaying even if at the same time this is also a source of weakness. The animation style is very much influenced by Pixar and while this looks good, it does have the downside of highlighting that the heart of those films are not quite here.It is nicely animated and nicely subdued in how it delivers its story but the downside of this is that, ultimately, it comes off as 'nice', which I imagine is never the goal of anyone.
