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The Legend of God's Gun

The Legend of God's Gun (2007)

July. 08,2007
| Action Western

A gun-slinging preacher returns to the debaucherous town of Playa Diablo seeking revenge from the notorious scorpion-venom drinking bandito El Sobero - lead outlaw and number one bad guy. El Sobero and his band of bad banditos are also returning to Playa Diablo seeking their own revenge against the town sheriff. With the Bounty Hunter dragging up slowly behind there is sure to be a confrontation of Biblical proportions as they all meet in the circle of death.


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Don't listen to the negative reviews


A Brilliant Conflict


It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional

Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

Roland E. Zwick

What do you get when you gather together a group of rock musicians - several from the band Spindrift - have them write, direct and star in a spoof of spaghetti westerns, then scratch the film stock and soundtrack so the whole thing looks and sounds like a newly re-discovered B-movie that's been moldering away in some studio vault somewhere? You wind up with "The Legend of God's Gun," a movie so unbelievably amateurish and inept that it makes your own home movies look like models of cinematic artistry in comparison.And the fact that it's "supposed" to be bad doesn't make the movie one iota less torturous to sit through. What it does, in fact, do is make one pine for the days when the "Mystery Science Theater 3000" guys would have a rollicking good time mercilessly skewering such an obvious "Grindhouse" wannabe - one that plumbs hitherto unattained depths of awfulness in its race to the bottom.


Before you view this movie, read about the psychedelic band SPINDRIFT(who you will hear about soon), then you will understand that the film is more than it seems. If you are still not convinced, go see the band live(they tour constantly) and listen to some very interesting tunes that take accents from Westerns as well as different kinds of influences from all over. Understand that both the band SPINDRIFT and director Mike Bruce went out and filmed this because they LOVED Westerns. They had NO money. Literally, NO budget, practically NO story, and paid NO actors!!!!! So get with it. This film was done in Hollywood, but outside of Hollywood. More DIY than it could ever be. Its a fun, interesting work of art done by people who just plain love Westerns. There are many underlying references to other films in this movie. Like the bounty hunter dragging the body, straight out of DJANGO! Like Joseph Campenella's(from BONANZA!) narration. Like the song "Conversation with a Gun" taken from the ole Johnny Bond/Tex Ritter days. Anyone who doesn't appreciate this film doesn't know enough about westerns. Go home and research a bit kids. Get with it.


I wanted to put a minus 10 (-10) for a rating. Without a doubt the worst movie I have seen. I would be ashamed to tell anyone that I saw this movie. What an atrocity. I wasted an hour and a half of my life looking at this piece of garbage. I love spaghetti westerns right from the beginning. As far as the direction goes Leone was the best. Morricones scores are magnificent, I have them on cassettes and disks and originally started collecting LP records with the movie scores. This picture is a unbelievable insult to the names of Sergio Leone and Ennio Morricone, and also to the actors like Eastwood and VanCleef, and some of those Italian actors who were very good. The actors try to mimic them. The result is disgusting. and an insult to the classic genre of the great Spaghetti Westerns.


I watched this movie based on the reviews above. I'm sorry, but its dreadful. Awful acting and poor cinematography are the hallmarks of this movie. It smacks of self indulgence, not really helped by the Dandy Warhols front-man's introduction.Given the plot, I had hopes that it might be along the lines of a Tarantino or Rodriguez grind-house flick, or at least a Troma level movie. It really wasn't. It looks more like a film students first attempt. There are some potentially interesting attempts in the visual language, but nothing we haven't seen before in far superior movies. Some of the composition is decent, but follows conventions set down by Sergio Leone decades before. This movie lacks any visceral moments, which weaken the thrust of the storyline. My advice? avoid at all costs.
