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The Odyssey

The Odyssey (1997)

May. 18,1997

In this adaptation of Homer's timeless epic, Armand Assante stars as Odysseus, the warrior King of the mythical island of Ithaca, who must endure a decade long quest to reach home after the Trojan war, overcoming savage monsters, powerful forces of nature, and seductive nymphs, and he must outsmart them all, with all the guile and intellect he can muster.


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Overrated and overhyped


Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.


I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.

Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.


A great story ruined by atrocious acting. At two or three points we considered switching it off. Will we be watching it again - Not a chance.


the first virtue - to see it is the best way to determine a child to read "Odissey". not surprising for an Andrei Konchalovski film. but surprising for the great way for give a so faithful adaptation of one of the great books of European culture. and a realistic Ulyses, different by the recipes of Kirk Douglas but giving the traits, vulnerabilities and virtues in the most convincing manner, in a great performance of Armand Assante. a film who impress. scene by scene. because it is real admirable work examples. and amazing science to use the special effects as tool and not as axis defines it in the splendid manner.


The depiction of Greek life during the end of the Mycenaean era was accurate (as far as I've read and researched), and the costumes were exemplary. Odysseus, Anticlea, and Penelope's actors nailed their parts with nearly perfect consistence.Some parts of the movie felt a little awkward or stilted for me in regards to the delivery of the lines, such as Circe's character. Hermes was also a bit...odd. My personal image of him is that of a cheeky teenager, not the September issue for Hot Daddies Monthly, but what can you do.Much like Odysseus, I wanted the journey to just end already, and only 10% of that feeling was derived from the film's length. I was emotionally invested in his quest to return home and was overjoyed when he and Penelope finally reunited. It does succeed in breathing life into these characters and if you had to entertain your college students with a film that ties into Greek mythology, let it be this one.

danny mania

This is just the sort of movie any adventure lover would LOVE! Beautiful scenarios combined with great camera work and a great adventurous story to go with it..well,What an absolute diamond it was! Odysseus's adventurous story is nothing new to most people who know Greek myth,and this was a great step forward in bringing that beautiful journey to the viewers. This movie does NOT deserve the ratings that it has gotten.Anything under 8/10 is a crime,in case of this movie.I rate it 9/10 and i stand by my vote! It is recommended for anyone who loves adventure movies.u'ld love it,no doubt about it. The only thing that they could've may be improved was,the time-line of the movie. It is way too lengthy and that may repel some viewers,but still its worth a shot. The acting was great too.Odysseus's role was played to perfection.We see such amazing Greek mythological characters as Achilles and so many others who we have always loved. Ah,just watch it!!!
