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Erotic Nights
A compelling study of three girls and the paths they choose to stardom when they cross paths with a womanizing artist.
Arabian Nights
Karin, a gas station manager, is in a bad mood: her business is going badly as the price of gasoline continues to rise, and her meager profits are regularly swallowed up by her friend Wolfgang's passion for motor racing.
White Nights
Based on the short story of the same name by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Petersburg 40s of the XIX century. Summer, white nights. On the banks of the Neva, the Dreamer meets Nastenka. Five nights, walking around the city, young people talk about themselves. Having lost faith in the feelings of the person whom she loves, Nastenka promises the Dreamer in love with her to marry him, but... the other appears, Nastenka is happy again, and the Dreamer is alone again.
365 Nights
A young man rents an apartment in Tokyo and discover it was built by his father. He falls in love with the daughter of the mistress of the house and decides to marry her. Only to discover that his father is is in debt and wants him to marry Ranko so that she may help his company by granting 1.5 million yen. Teruko decides to borrow money from a greedy bar owner who lends her money on certain conditions and photographs her without her consent. A love traingle forms between Koroku, Ranko, and Teruko. Things complicate when Koroku marries Teruko and Tsugawa threatens them for the money causing many twists and turns.
Arabian Nights
Two half brothers battle each other for the power of the throne and the love of sensual, gorgeous dancing girl Scheherazade.
Arabian Nights
A young commander joins forces with Sinbad, Aladdin, and his genie to rescue Scheherazade and her kingdom from dark powers.
Clear Nights
Two siblings face their problems and undergo a profound inner transformation at a time when they both rediscover themselves. Lidia struggles to cope with her newborn baby: she can’t handle the expectations, doesn’t recognize her body, and distances herself from home and her boyfriend. Her brother Lauro works in a funeral agency. Divorced with a son, he grapples with accepting his bisexuality. Though the siblings rarely saw each other, their shared challenges bring them closer on a journey of rediscovery and profound inner transformation. The light at the end of the tunnel isn’t an illusion; the tunnel is.
Halcyon Nights (Live At The Troubadour 2012)
In celebration of her multi-platinium acclaimed record "Halcyon" turning 10 years since it's release, Ellie Goulding drops "Halcyon Nights", a re-edition incluiding all the songs released from that era, with a live concert filmed in Troubadour in 2012 of her "Halcyon tour".
Alien Nights
Rio Branco, Acre, an Amazon city near the border with Peru and Bolivia, has been suffering the violent impacts of recent changes in trafficking routes, which have arrived with violence in the Brazilian Amazon. In this scenario, the lives of three young childhood friends intertwine and ultimately, they find themselves in a common tragedy.
Summer Nights
How does the world look through the eyes of a 6-year-old child? Summer Nights offers a window into a child’s world: his fears, his desires, his way of thinking. It is a journey into the subconscious of an innocent and ingenuous child, as he falls asleep and drifts into the depths of his own mind.