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Infini (2015)

May. 08,2015
| Horror Thriller Science Fiction
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A search and rescue team are transported through deep space to a distant mining colony to save the sole survivor of a biological outbreak. During their mission, they find a lethal weapon which is set to arrive on Earth within the hour.


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Beautiful, moving film.


This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

Ella-May O'Brien

Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

Bumpy Chip

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.


Look, with the exception of the so-so acting of one or two minor characters, this is a fantastic dark sci - fi film. The special effects are great and the acting, for the most part, is great also. It is definitely worth a watch on Netflix or renting it out. The ending also threw me for a loop.


It starts off with a nice explanation at the start of the movie to tell you what its about.Then you enter a world created by the worst sound engineer in history----or maybe the greatest as he does everything he can to make sure that you can barely hear or understand the absolute garbage script of this film.I had to replay scene after scene to try and work out what they were saying. A lot of the time because it turns out what they were saying made no sense or had absolutely nothing to do with the scene they were in.The producer did a great job and the sets are bang on except for the very strange use of old style monitors with a mono text interface. Why - its the 23rd century - these were old fashioned by 1995!!! The premise is pretty good and so is the general plot to start out with, but the directing and obvious chainsaw editing are appalling and coupled with the gibberish script end up making you wonder when its going to end.There are lots of scenes trying to show people slowly going crazy but they are just clumsy and really badly cut together.Overall the film has that sort of Alien feel to it but with almost zero tension. It feels like the director shot a scene, then went a way for a few months, came back made another scene then went away......its like a series of scenes glued together and ends up making not a lot of sense and certainly does not feel like a story.worst sci fi of the year so far - I really don't see what people saw when they scored this 8 or 9 - you might give it a 5 if you really dig the sets but that's about it.

Manuel Nascimento

Where most of the sci-fi movies like this are really just scary action movies in a sci-fi setting, this unassuming title surprised me a lot in a good way by being deeper than that.Without spoiling anything, the setup is pretty typical at first glance, where a team of people are sent on a rescue mission to the most remote mining outpost, where something as gone terribly wrong due to circumstances unknown, possibly a contaminant of some sort. Upon arrival, however, and after events unfold, what I found was that the movie explores the effects of what happens on said team, the effects on their minds and psyches, much better than I usually see. Additionally, the background setting in the 23rd century is well established, even if the movie provides only the basics of it in order to leave most of the screen time to the main action, which is fine. Furthermore, the environments and props, etc, I found very well done, as were the visual effects.I thought the ending left some questions to be thought about, which I feel is a good in sci-fi too. So, all in all, I found it very enjoyable and quite better than the average sci-fi movie.


I really enjoyed it . Despite what other haters (who give 1 star even to their mother if she doesn't love them even when they are on the toilet), I would recommend this movie for the SF fans. It leaves a trace of mystery in the end. Acting is decent. It has tension.There is a bit of gore but not overdone. The special effects have done a decent job.The story although starts a bit cliché is ending in an interesting way.Actors are good enough for the plot.There is a constant sense of mystery in the action, which i really liked.I liked it! You could like it too, but anyway , at least don't be a hater. Cheers! :)
