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Dead Hooker in a Trunk

Dead Hooker in a Trunk (2009)

April. 20,2009
| Horror

Set in beautiful Vancouver, four friends set out on an everyday errand and end up in a fight for their lives when they discover the body of a dead hooker left in their trunk.


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Sorry, this movie sucks


Excellent, Without a doubt!!


Absolutely Brilliant!

Mathilde the Guild

Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.


I liked the title, sounds a bit like those good old exploitations but what a terrible thing this was. Once started I thought, yes, this is going to be good but once the girls are watching the trunk I knew what I was getting. Trash.Written by the Soska sisters and even played and directed by them it is obviously a ultra low budget. There aren't any real effects to see because it's done off screen, well, most of them. But there is a lot of red stuff that I can confirm. Sadly, it's the script and a lot of talking that made it almost unwatchable. I must admit that I grabbed the remote and had the fast forward button ready to push. Some parts are really okay but to many scenes are ridiculous and boring.Maybe I they had a lot of fun but I rather should let this flick in the trunk straight to the bin. Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5


So many people have badmouthed this movie, I felt like I had to respond. First off, in fairness, I have to say that I rented this movie knowing nothing about it, except that I liked the title and a trailer I saw on another IFC disc. And, I spent the first 30 minutes rooting that a meteor would come and kill every character in the movie.But then, outrageous things started happening with little consequence. And the main two female characters started growing on me. And more weird stuff happened, and even the goody two shoes started to grow on me. I'm glad the meteor never show'd up.This is a funny, freaky movie, but you gotta give it time. Imagine my shock and delight to learn AFTER I HAD WATCHED THE WHOLE THING, that it was written and directed by a pair of women. And then, to discover that it's the two main female leads! Sexy, smart, wicked sense of humor (an almost guy-like sense of humor, if I might be so sexist).In the end, I enjoyed this movie a lot. It wasn't pretentious, high-brow or meant to be taken seriously, and I think that a lot of the bile being shot at it is because they 1) didn't go all the way through, or 2) were expecting something else.BTW, I didn't have any problem with the audio. But then, I always watch movies with subtitles on, cause I have a problem understanding dialog in the best of movies.

Paul Andrews

Dead Hooker in a Trunk is set in Vancouver and starts as the academic Geek (Jen Soska) gets a text message from her friend Goody Two Shoes (CJ Wallis) who needs picking up from Church so Geek gets her sister Badass (Sylvia Soska) to pick him up, together with the drug addict Junkie (Rikki Gagne) the four discover that a dead body has been left in the trunk of Badass's classic Thunderbird, Since none of them know how the body got there they decide to bury the it in the woods but a growing list of coincidences & adventures make this tougher than they expected. From Cowboy pimps to serial killers to drug deals gone bad to bodily dismemberment it's a day neither of the two sisters will ever forget...This Canadian production was written, produced & directed by the Soska twins who also star in it, to be brutally honest the two look quite cute & seem nice enough on screen & I do feel a little guilty for saying this but I really didn't like Dead Hooker in a Trunk that much at all. The script is a total mess that can't decide what it is or what it wants to be, like other's have noted Dead Hooker in a Trunk feels like a road film as the majority of it has the four main character's driving around into & out of various situations but they never really have any purpose or meaning & there's no great significance to anything they do. There's some exploitation elements with some cheap gore including someone having their arm ripped off but then simply sewing it back on & someone else having their eyeball knocked out but simply putting tape over the empty socket & again carrying on as if nothing had happened, there's some sex & nudity & attempts at comedy & humour which fall mostly flat & the script also throw's in various bizarre subplots that go nowhere like drug dealers, a serial killer with a split cock, a Cowboy pimp & a meaningless twist at the end. The character's are alright, some of the things they do just don't make sense, why not call the police when they find the body? Why not even bother checking she was dead? Why think nothing of killing a guy just because he was carrying a baseball bat? Why not try & find out who the hooker was & how she ended up in the trunk? Come to think of it how did they know she was a hooker anyway? At almost 90 minutes the pace is OK & it moves along at a decent rate but I couldn't get into it, there just didn't seem to be much of a story here so much as one loosely connected incident after another. The script feels like a collection of ideas strung together with no real connection, nothing seems to drive the story forward & the individual moments aren't that great anyway.Obviously low budget Dead Hooker in a Trunk looks alright to be fair, it's not a visual masterpiece but it's competent enough. I can't say the look of the film appealed to me that much & the low budget does show at times, at one point the story starts after it's been raining & the ground is wet but shortly after the ground is covered in snow. The effects vary, there's some guts, some blood splatter & a few ripped-off arms but none of it stands out & it's quite flatly shot. The character Badass reminds me of a girl I know who really does deserve the name Badass, she is full of attitude & doesn't take any crap from anyone including me, in fact she hits hard & has given me two black eyes for being cheeky...Filmed in Vancouver in Canada this looks OK & has reasonable production values, I have certainly seen worse looking films. The acting isn't great but again considering the nature of the production it could have been worse. The two Soska twins are probably the best thing about Dead Hooker in a Trunk, they look to be having fun I suppose even if I wasn't. Sorry girls.Dead Hooker in a Trunk is an oddity, it's an exploitative road film that never really feels like anything. The story is all over the place, the mixture of genres is done seemingly at random & it's not even that nice to look at, I suppose I didn't hate it but at the same time I didn't like it either.


DHIAT's so-called "originality" did not distract me from its oddly paced, and often disengaging, story-telling. It seemed as if the Soska Sisters abandoned all, if any, logic in their script to boost its own bizarreness and eccentricity. Movies don't exactly demand realism (nor do I), but in this case it resulted in a laughable story that just felt too unbalanced to offer room for its humor to surface. In other words, they tried too hard. Whether they tried too hard to be witty or weird, humorous or homage-y, the Soska Sisters didn't know which direction to take their debut so they ended up taking all of them. Their decision made DHIAT a tangled and stupid effort. The dialogue was so stereotypically and poorly written, it literally had me finishing the sentences the actors were saying. (Ever heard that about a Tarantino flick?? Yeah, so don't go comparing them with QT) The acting, at times, was convincing… But how hard is it to act like a whore, a nerd or a religious douche? I guess I understand why people really like it though; it's a (moderately) violent homage to Grindhouse films, that actually has a pretty fun sub-plot about a masked serial killer that's worth mentioning. The Soska Sisters did their best considering their budget and will be welcomed with open arms in the horror community. Personally, I think they will be receiving a bit more than they deserve.
