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Cheerleader Ninjas

Cheerleader Ninjas (2002)

June. 14,2002
| Action Comedy

Four perky, clueless cheerleaders from the Happy Valley High Hamsters are mistakenly blamed by the meddling Church Ladies for the invasion of the "Internet smut" into their children's bedrooms. The Church Ladies hire Stephen, a sexually ambiguous teacher from the local Parochial Reform School, to teach the cheerleaders a lesson. But the cheerleaders have more than Stephen to worry about...lurking in the shadows is Mr. X, an evil mastermind who is using the cheerleaders as guinea pigs to test his Internet Zombie Domination software!


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everything you have heard about this movie is true.


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.


I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.


Super gay Stephen joins forces with catholic schoolgirl ninjas to fight dumb as rock cheerleaders because they didn't let him be a cheerleader in this beyond retarded little waste of celluloid. The word subtle is seemingly not in the vocabulary of writer/ director Kevin Capbell as the humor is deathly obvious and painfully unfunny. At 96 minutes long, the only few people that will be able to sit through this steaming pile of excrement are avowed masochists. Awful with a capital A, if anyone actually derives any entertainment in the least from this (and I'm very hesitant to use this next word) film, I'd NEVER want to meet them during my travels, if only for the reason that they'd in all likelihood end up drooling all over my shoes.My Grade: F- Eye Candy: Kira Reed, Angela Brubaker, and Alissa Shanley get topless


I rented this movie on a whim and it started off pretty good. Unfortunately, things went downhill from there and it went from being funny bad movie to being a "kind of painful and only occasionally funny" bad movie. There was some good nudity in it, but those scenes were spoiled by the camera cutting away to some nerd fantasizing or some other crap. If it's really late, and there's nothing else on, and you're really bored, you might as well give it a shot. Heck, if you have a free rental and you like crappy movies that know they're crappy and have some fun with themselves, you might like this okay... just keep you hand on the fast-forward button. Also, there are WAY too many fart and masturbation jokes and the movie tends to drag out towards the end.Overall, I give it a 3 out of 10. (On my scale of 10 being perfection and 1 being Ang Lee's Hulk.)


I have suffered through "Orgy of the Dead", "Rock n'Roll Nightmare", and the entire "Slumber Party Massacre" Trilogy...but nothing, I mean nothing, can compare to the steaming pile of monkey crap that is "Cheerleader Ninjas."I finished watching this no more than an hour ago and am still reeling from the horror. Let me say first and foremost, that I love bad movies; I think they are hilarious and cannot get enough of them but this...this made me hurt.All you have to know is there are good cheerleaders (snobby, bitchy, condescending, all you could ask for) and then there are the bad cheerleaders (snobbier, bitchier, and really quite gross) led by the extremely gay Evil Stephan (you know he is gay because they mention it during the credits at least twice. Seriously). Then there are these nerds decked out in Star Trek apparel that do an awful lot of masturbating (with condiments no less) and more farting than all of the Farrelly brothers movies combined.Sounds like good, IL' tasteless fun, right? Wrong.The problem is the movie tries waaaaay too hard to be funny; this type of humor works great in films like "Porky's", hell even "American Pie" but these guys can't get the jokes, or anything else to work. Granted there is some, not much but some gratuitous nudity, including a quick beaver shot but it's hardly worth sitting through all 110 minutes of this crap. That's right, it's almost two hours long. Further proof than the best bad movies are 90 minutes or less.Rent at your own risk.


I am one of those people that rent disgustingly bad movies in order to laugh at them and poke fun at them, a la Mystery Science Theater 3000. But with this film, even that level of mockery was unattainable. Sometimes there are humorous plot-holes or intentional nuances that are laughable. It's really okay to make a movie with stupid story-lines on purpose; Troma Films made it an art by producing classics such as "Cannibal: The Musical" and "Redneck Zombies". But sometimes it can fail, even Troma did it with "Tromeo and Juliet". "Cheerleader Ninjas" had a similar fate. It tried so hard that I couldn't even laugh at its attempt to make a movie. If you want a movie with an obvious intent to be bad, rent one of the Austin Powers sequels or a campy Troma Production, don't waste $2.50 on this piece of garbage.
