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Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

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Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)

June. 09,1989
| Adventure Action Thriller Science Fiction
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A renegade Vulcan with a startling secret hijacks the U.S.S. Enterprise in order to find a mythical planet.


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Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!


Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay


This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

Griff Lees

Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.


This "Star Trek" film from 1989, doesn't exactly show everyone at their finest hour! The plot is full of inconsistencies and is rather confusingly presented. The narrative is one of the worst I have seen and William Shatner is no director. I think his ego was getting the better of him here. The film does warm up a tad for the last 20 minutes but it can't compensate for all the rubbish beforehand.


By the beginning of the nineties Star Trek wasn't hip anymore and it shows on this flick. It's the most hated one and I really found it a boring flick for one reason only, the characters became parodies of themselves. Even as a lot of money was spend to make this flick, it only shows on the effects, it do is laughable at moments.Just have a look at Uhura dancing, how goofy is that. It rather started okay but falls quickly into a boring thing. Best thing for me was the opening sequence. What also shows is that some actors are becoming to old. And the worst thing are some scene's that really are cartoonish. The scene in the elevator shaft with Spock and his jets on his shoes that is really a turn off. And the scene at the fire in the beginning in Yosemite, way too long. One to forget.Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5

Jonathan Fisk

With most Star Trek films, I've seen them several times, but this was only my second viewing of the fifth installment. I thought this film was very stupid and, actually, fairly boring the first time I saw it. But I thought that I may have been jaded knowing that most people strongly dislike this movie, so I watched it again, trying to keep an open mind. It turns out, it just is a stupid movie.I'll give William Shatner, who I lay the blame on as director of the film though I know he wasn't alone in creating the story, this much credit: the idea that "Eden", known as Sha'Ka'Ree to Vulcans, could exist at the center of the galaxy is somewhat intriguing. But that's all I can say in the movie's favor, and that's not much.It just seemed like this was never really happening, that Capt. Kirk is dreaming his own macho vision of Trek while on shore leave. Since when does Star Trek simply feel like a extremely poor rendition of Star Wars? That's how the film felt when we were taken to Paradise City (fan of Appetite for Destruction are you, Bill?) and it never improves from there. Could you have made Uhura any more of a stereotype? Couldn't you have tried a little harder to make stunts seem more credible? If it was really that easy to fly through the "Great Barrier", why hadn't anyone done it yet?? The humor is so out of place, the Klingons so unbelievable, the set of Sha'Ka'Ree so unimpressive, the three-breasted cat dancer so stupid, it's such a shame.Please, someone call the guy who directed Wrath of Khan or else this franchise is sunk.Some final thoughts: Just change the channel.*My film rating follows the soccer player rating measure of 6 as a baseline: you did what was expected of you. This film is a 2 because I'm sure that there are worse films out there, somewhere, maybe on Nimbus III.


This is a movie only true Star Trek fans would ever endure. In fact, in order to get your official Trekkie membership card and decoder ring, you have to wear a costume, go to at least one convention, and explain why you hate Star Trek V. So here is my critique:This abortion directed by William Shatner is by far my least favorite Star Trek movie. Given the quality of The Motion Picture, that alone should attest to how truly bad this movie turned out. There are many reasons why, not all related to Shatner, but he sure didn't help either. Just like when Spock mind melded with V'Ger, I think examining why this movie is so utterly horrible gives you great insight into megalomaniac mind of William Shatner. The fact that he insisted upon directing this movie shows he has something in common with Kirk. He was jealous of the success Nimoy (his second banana on the show & in Shatners mind distant second in talent) had in directing Star Trek III and IV. Sounds a bit like Kirk marching into his boss's office during the first movie to demand the Enterprise back because would never allow anybody to steal his glory. Second, Shatner isn't as funny as he thinks he is. Big surprise, right? (It's blatantly obvious Shatner thinks not even God can do something better than he can) This movie followed the wildly successful 4th movie (yup, the one with the whales) and what was different about it from the previous movies, beside how much money it made, was that it made you laugh out loud. This was due to the whole "fish outta water" routine of refined and evolved Starfleet officers of Roddenberry's enlightened future interacting with the violently barbaric Dark Age degenerates of 1986. It was funny without trying to be funny. The characters were just being themselves, but Shatner was clearly unaware of that fact. He saw comedy as the key to box office bucks. The forced comedic elements of The Final Frontier provides clear evidence why Shatner's lounge act wasn't exactly a smashing success. Finally, and most disturbingly, being director meant he had more input on the character of Kirk than ever before. So what does Shatner make Kirk do that he has never done before? He orders Spock to murder somebody in cold blood. Spock refuses and when his logical and peaceful first officer refuses the order to execute a living being, Kirk is shocked. He acts like Spock didn't notice the fine print on the Prime Directive user agreement where he agreed to blow away any creature on demand. So how does the great Captain Kirk handle his best friend refusing to follow his order to murder? Right out of the Starfleet Academy manual, of course. When trapped in the brig of his own ship he proceeds to pout, call Spock names, then throw a temper tantrum, all while being totally ambivalent about stopping the mad man has stolen his ship. Shatner, the director, wanted to show us that Kirk earned the respect of the fleet by reacting like a spoiled toddler in times of crisis. Clearly we were seeing more the method Shatner would react than Kirk in that situation. Again, as I originally stated, it's not only Shatner's fault the movie was so poor. Don't forget the scene where the enemy runs toward, and not away screaming in fear, at Uhura's elderly nude body dancing in the moonlight. Clearly the bad ideas were coming in from all sides. In fact the entire movie was deemed to be non-cannon in the Star Trek universe. The keepers of official Star Trek mythology finally said, screw it. It was easier to disregard the entire movie than to explain why so many issues were contrary to already established facts. The Final Frontier was William Shanter's big chance to put his own personal touch on the role that made him famous. Upon seeing the results, all this movie proves is that Shatner's mind is a very scary place.
