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DragonHeart: A New Beginning

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DragonHeart: A New Beginning (2000)

August. 08,2000
| Adventure Fantasy Action Comedy
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When Geoff, an orphaned stable boy (Chris Masterson), discovers Drake (voice of Robby Benson), the world's last living dragon, he realizes that his dream of becoming a knight in shining armor can now come true. Together, they soon face challenges that turn them into heroes. But caught up in the excitement of their new lives, Geoff and Drake fail to see the hidden dangers that surround them.


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Awesome Movie


It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.


I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.


A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

David Alvarez

Very loose sequel to Dragonheart remembered and sympathetic. The really bad thing about this sequel is that too note the limited budget that probably should have, on the sets, costumes and setting, but particularly in the digital effects of the dragon, which, although not totally bad, is more typical of a television series. The story, as pretty dodgy, full of good intentions and little or almost no pretensions. What the old Chinese girl and I found funny and fun, however, as well as crossing the western European mythology with Chinese. To pass the time and little else.


For those of you who saw the first Dragonheart, which was a WONDERFUL MOVIE and I suggest you see it, you should know the second one makes VERY LITTLE SENSE.Point A. If Draco was the LAST DRAGON, how are there other dragons now?! There's like a million of them running around in China or something! Point B. After Draco died he completed the constellation Draco, so tell me if it's completed because the last dragon is there how are there other dragons?!I thought this movie was lacking plot, good acting, and it made little sense prior to the first movie. I give it two thumbs down.


Four years after original Dragonheart movie, which I liked a lot Universal released on video this cheap and rather pathetic sequel. I saw it a few days ago and it was far below my expectations, although it wasn't completely a bad movie. If you don't expect too much and don't take it too serious it can be at least watchable and even entertained. But that's all about it. There is no intelligent story and no true atmosphere of medieval age as it was in Dragonheart. Actually, the story is poor and it has the certain lack of emotional appealing. The characters development was totally forgotten and with pathetic villains, Asians and Kung-fu in the middle of medieval Europe, ice-breathing dragons, silly jokes and worst of all with ridiculous ending A New Beginning was unable to bring to its audience a memorable and well-constructed story.The same was with the cast in the movie. It looks like the studio was counting every buck making the movie and no one actor and no one character from the original movie didn't return for the sequel. Even if I mostly liked Chris Masterson in his part in Malcolm in the Middle TV series, his choice for the lead character was totally ineffective. Maybe because of his lack of acting experience he was very unconvincing and unable to wake up the audience. Even visuals were unoriginal and poor. It's a case when the term "unnecessary sequel" instantly and unintentionally came to mind without any invitation. Dragonheart: A New Beginning is a typical example of making cheap, uninteresting movie sequel and burying the franchise.Grade 4 out of 10.


*MAYBE POSSIBLE SPOILER* Sorry, but I'm afraid to say I disliked this movie. I've seen Dragonheart many, many times (which isn't really a children's movie), but when I saw this one, was surprised to see that's what it is. A children's movie, I mean. No appearance by Pete Postlethwaite doesn't help, either. And since when did dragons breathe ice? You'd think the fire and ice would cancel out or explode or something, but anyway, If you liked Draco in Dragonheart, see this one because Drake (The young dragon) is the only similarity to the first film. And even then, only marginally. 1.5 out of 5.
