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Supercop 2

Supercop 2 (1993)

October. 21,1993
| Action Thriller Crime

As a crime wave sweeps through Hong Kong, the police call Jessica Yang (Yeoh), a rising star in the ranks, to help stop a notorious gang of thieves! What Jessica doesn't realize is that her boyfriend - recently discharged from the force - is the leader of this ruthless crime ring!


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Very well executed


Perfect cast and a good story


Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction

Tobias Burrows

It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.


Firstly, the script kicks ass! It's a local story, authentic dialogs, fast paced, straight forward and realistic, yet entertaining. Most of all, it got lots of authentic local cultures in it and it stands out. (Plz don't make movies just for the foreigners markets, draw foreign markets with your local culture - remember the success of Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Mr. Vampire series, & recently Pang Brothers movies???!!!)What stands out is the time frame of the storyline is longer than most movies out there in the same genre and yet you don't feel bored or awkward. All the actors and actresses' performances' are so natural and believable. Don't know why, but it makes it so much relaxing to watch. Even the cameos all ditched in and made the movie better bit by bit.Thirdly, the director is very smart in the sense that he acknowledged that he didn't have the luxury of getting the support from Jackie Chan's stuntmen group. Thus, you can't stuff the whole movie with those crazy stunts. Instead, he created a lot of exciting action scenes from various authentic settings - shoot em all scene from the worn down factory building, the underground banking, and the HK underground subway systems.It's jam packed with action, drama, terrific fight scenes. In all it's a great movie because everyone in the movie knows what they're doing and did very well. It may not have the Hollywood production $$$ but definitely more entertaining than their recycled story lines & movie stars. It's a celebration of HK movie during the 90s era! Top notch real S!#$% hk police action crime movie!!! 9/10!!! A must see! Go rent it today!!! (I bet Banlieue 13 stole some ideas from movies like this one =)


I guess as a generic Hong Kong movie it's okay .. but if you are expecting some high powered karate then you'll be disappointed.Not being very well versed in karate movies, I figured I can't go wrong with Michelle Yeoh. I loved her in the Bond movie, and was hoping for something similar. No such luck.I guess if you want to see Michelle strut around in a uniform, sit at a computer or talk endlessly with her fellow agents, then this is the film for you.What little she does (in the opening scenes especially) is great, and she shows agility, grace and strength. But it's WAY TOO CHATTY.Another problem seems to be that she doesn't win many fights.... she usually needs an assist from somebody .. In my opinion, that ain't right. She's the star. She's the reason to watch.It would be as if James Bond needed Miss Moneypenny to haul his butt out of danger most the time ...If anyone could suggest a good female based movie like this I'd appreciate it ... It's funny how the Jackie Chan movies have almost non-stop action, but the few female based movies I've seem are top-loaded with sideline love interests, over-the-top goony comic characters and other "filler" ....At least, that's based on what little I've seen.


Don't let the name "Supercop 2" sucker you into thinking that this has anything to do with that fine Jackie Chan film "Supercop". Jackie only appears for a few minutes. The rest of the film is a lackluster Michelle Yeoh flic. They ran this on a major network around the time that "Tuxedo" appeared in theaters, presumably to hype that Jackie Chan film. But a Jackie Chan film this ain't... which doesn't bode well for "Tuxedo". A waste of time.


I love even goofy kung-fu movies, but this one was just boooooring. My 14-year-old son and I indulge ourselves in regular kung-fu fests and I made the mistake of including this one. Stupid plot, poorly strung together action scenes and about a million ridiculous plot holes. The few fight scenes were mostly just idiots with automatics, spraying ineffectual bullets everywhere. Very little interesting kung fu.The best scene in it was Jackie Chan's 5(?) minute scene in the middle, a scene that had no point in the overall "plot".Save your money, and spend it on a Jet Li movie.
