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#Horror (2015)

November. 20,2015
| Horror Thriller Crime
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Inspired by actual events, a group of 12 year old girls face a night of horror when the compulsive addiction of an online social media game turns a moment of cyber bullying into a night of insanity.


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Please don't spend money on this.


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.


I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

Tayyab Torres

Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.


(Spoilers ahead!) Six preadolescent girls throw a "party" in an insanely huge glass house full of post-modern art pieces while playing a poorly designed game which is a cross between candy crush and Instagram. They're left completely alone and as twelve year old girls do, they're going to kill each other (and their parents). There, saved you some time.(+) At first, it looks like a vaguely interesting, visually appealing film (That is, if you forget the smartphone app part).(-) Doesn't live up to its own expectations. An overall design and visuals that could have been good if they were actually attached to a plot and were coherent. We're never really quite sure what is happening in there.The constant loud, strident noises and flashing images (also the msn emojis design) that come with the app that the girls are using are horrendous. It gets annoying right after the opening credits.Clichés land : The famous girl is blonde, has rich parents, is a c*nt. The fat girl is a fat girl, nothing else defines her because, you know, she's fat. Random average girls who suck up to the famous one. Who is that weird new girl ? Why did she even get invited ? Ugh !#Horror is a critique of our modern, social-network obsessed society. I get it. The thing is, it's hardly believable at any given moment, mostly due to the over-exaggerated acting and the characters themselves, who, strictly, are all clichés. This society hasn't messed up 12 year olds more than any of their predecessors did, unlike this movie suggests. If internet & smartphones certainly have given a tribune to ruthless behaviors and might have generalized them to some extent, teenagers have always been complex and harsh towards each other. Yes, twelve year olds can be depressed. Twelve year olds can be sociopaths. The edge that #Horror is trying to have has too little taste, in spite of a fantastic set and some spark of good ideas. So much could have been done, if only the synopsis was good. 2/10.


Holy hell! What a waste of a movie. There are so many things wrong with this that I have a problem knowing where to start. I suppose we can start with the glaring issue. This movie is a mix of Mickey Mouse Club, Scream, and To Catch a Predator. Its a movie that consist of 12 year old girls being stalked and slashed to death.Even though the basic plot of 12 year olds being brutally killed isn't something that I was overly excited to get to, it took what felt like an entire movie to develop the characters. The constant and sudden flashes of a cellphone was more than obnoxious after minute 15 of the movie.Just. Don't. Watch. This. Movie.


This movie is a confused, jumbled mess. It looks like the dialogue was mostly improvised on the spot. Worst thing I've sat all the way through in a long time. The 12 year old teeny bopper girls are downright annoying. The visual effects are headache inducing. The opening credits flash by so quickly that I had to look up on IMDb to confirm that I saw Timothy Hutton's name. Do yourself a favor and skip this. It's awful.


If I could give this less than 1, I would...absolute rubbish! Other than the first two deaths that are right at the opening of the film, there's nothing else until the last 20 minutes! No scares, no jumps, no hint of danger...nothing! The entire film is composed of obnoxious girls prancing about taking selfies and hash-tagging their inane, boring night whilst being ridiculously mean to each other. The acting is less than poor (apart from Natasha Lyonne and Taryn Manning from OITNB fame - although why they agreed to be part of this I have no clue) and there are several moments where you just want to cringe! I desperately wanted to turn it off but thought...no, it'll get better, there'll be a murder or something will happen soon...I was so wrong! I'll never get that time back, feels like a complete waste of an evening! Worst film I've ever seen and that's saying something!!!
