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The Last Relic

The Last Relic (1970)

March. 23,1970
| Adventure History Romance

A medieval love story with lots of adventures. The times are troubled - there's a revolt of peasants going on. To secure its safety a monastery chases for a relics of a holy Brigitte. A nobleman promises to get it if he gets beautiful Agnes as a reward. But she fells in love with a handsome adventurer. The monastery has to act shrewd now and play double game. The movie is still the best achievement of the Estonian cinema. Based on a novel.


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Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??


Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.


Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.


An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.


'The Last Relic' is one of the most beloved movie in Estonia. Wonderful characters, nice location shots, lighthearted adventure and clever humor. Again. Estonians love humor.Director Grigori Kromanov's first intentions were to create serious historical philosophical movie exploring the mythos of free man, but he was force to take much adventurous-romantic view point. The witty dialogue and catchy songs (that has became classics their own) really carry the film. And the songs, did the authors intend it or not, have actually quite deep meanings, and add quite much to the director's wanted philosophical point. The film is also historically quite inaccurate - the character of Ivo Schenkenberg has gotten very free artistic interpretation in this film. He is real historical person, but was known as heroic fighter and leader of Estonian fighters against Russian army in Livonian War. Of course, Soviet regime didn't like depicting him as a heroic character in the film. That aside, Schenkenberg played by Peeter Jakobi is probably one of the most memorable characters in Estonian cinema.The sword fight scenes look dame even compared to it's contemporaries. One part of that can be blamed the Soviet regime who had quite heavy regulations considering fighting and violence on the screen. At least we can get a glimpse of Ingrida Andrina's (Agnes) nipples, that somehow past the eyes of censor.


Some mild spoilers ahead!Don't be fooled by all the Estonians who hold this film in such a high esteem -- this is a pretty average historical adventure story of the age. (Certainly this might have been a good opportunity to show the other nations the values of their history, culture and language but that is independent of artistic value.) Nothing very special in the fields of direction and cinematography; IMHO the songs are not that great either. (Maybe these sound better in the Russian version?) Fencing and other forms of bloodless fighting vary from decent to ridiculously bad. (Near the end, Gabriel's "fight" with the well-armed monastery guards is worse than Disney Zorro. The film's one whipping scene is much more realistic than the swordplay.) While the scenery is beautiful indeed, not much wildness in sight; I often had the impression that it was filmed in a very small and too well-kept park.The strongholds: first of all, Ingrid Andrina is extremely cute, in a decidedly not innocent way. She has a very suggestive way of eating mutton, which is indeed the sexy highlight of the movie. We also see her nipples -- in a not-erotic context, but still very unexpected from a Soviet production. She seems to really enjoy acting in this, too!Polan Bykov is superb (as always) in the role of the manipulative and very cynical priest.The freedom fighters: they do also pillage and rape, a very realistic touch when compared to the French-Italian productions of the age.


OK, OK. So being a Moscovite isn't exactly like being from Nebraska or anything, and I am familiar (and very much in love) with Soviet movies from that era where it was essentially mandatory to have at least two songs in a film, but... Damn good fun. It's an adventure, it's loaded with humor and a healthy dose of anti-Church sentiment - it was made under Soviet times, after all - and it's filmed in some really beautiful locations. Oh, did I mention that the female lead is really, really hot? From the first moment she appears on screen coddling a lamb to, well...watch the movie. She's hot. There are a few continuity goofs here and there (pay attention to the behavior of the iron gate in the convent towards the very end), but that's rendered irrelevant by the movie magic. This is the kind of movie I'd show my kids to encourage qualities of bravado, chivalry, independent spirit, and good old-fashioned manliness. Also, I'm not familiar with the historical context, but it's there, and it makes me want to find out more.Recommended for anyone who likes old-time adventures, voluptuous blondes, freedom fighters, or just an all-around good time. Oh, also - if you're into black metal, this flick has a couple of choice scenes for you! Not quite Mosquito Coast but...


This is the greatest achievement in the Estonian history. If Estonia would have been independent at the time, this movie would have got an Academy Award. Anyway it's a masterpiece, that makes me proud to be an Estonian!!!
