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A Chinese Torture Chamber Story

A Chinese Torture Chamber Story (1994)

May. 19,1994
| Drama Horror Comedy

A corrupt magistrate subjects a innocent young bride to inconceivable physical punishments after convicting her of killing her husband.


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Perry Kate

Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!


I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.


True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.


Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.


This film revolves around the plight of the oddly named Little Cabbage, a servant girl who finds herself in a heap of trouble after she takes up voyeurism. Through a series of plot twists too long to summarize here, she ends up accused of murder and facing a judge with some rather unpleasant methods for extracting confessions.This is Hong Kong Category III cinema at its weirdest, a grotesque mixture of sex, comic sex, sexual violence, torture, and even a comedic rape scene meant to challenge the viewer's limits. It will either have you laughing aloud or running for the bathroom with your hands over your mouth. It also has an ending that will have you pounding the table and yelling "Now THAT'S justice!"In seriousness, the film does have a certain level of misogyny. The torture scenes involving females are shown very graphically, and there is a somewhat disconcerting theme of sexual pleasure being fine for a man while totally unacceptable for a woman. However, the film itself is so broad and over the top that it is difficult to be too offended by it.


I found this movie from the hilarious "kung fu porn" clip floating around the internet. So I was expecting more of the same, perhaps some sort of cliché kung fu background story with goofy wire-fu sex.Instead, it was a cliché story about adultery and wrongfully framed. It has torture, which I don't particularly care for, naked boobs, soft-core sex, and lots of mediocre story telling.There were some comedic moments that made me laugh, but really the highlight by far is still the wire-fu sex in the forest scene.I would classify this move as drama actually. I ended up fast-forwarding through some of the torture and drama scenes to get to the unsurprising ending.Mediocre movie.


Not being the typical hong-hong film fan (actually I have seen very few HK films) but having seen many of the world's most extraordinary films, I have to say that I loved "Chinese torture chamber story" in a very special way.Most reviews here, although not losing the point, are representative of the western exploitation-type-of-viewing, with which I cant't really identify with, at least in regard with this film. I actually thought this blending of comedy, horror & erotica resulted in a most magnificent, poetic, weirdly funny, wildly violent result. This is quite unlike everything I have ever seen - I always had a tension to love any original and extraordinary film.Okay, I admit, I have seen the majority of violent & strange films, so it's quite understandable that I am not offended or shocked by the bold erotic element or the horrific tortures, and so I could dive in deeper in the films story and concept which is by no means shallow. I have the feeling that it's for the most part the filmmakers craft and smart use of humour and the way the story was presented make the violence & erotica a means to a higher end. Yet, extreme violence is not hidden or implied - on the contrary, it's on display every once in a while.Go after this film, if you can tolerate some violence, this is one of those one-of-a-kind films which can make the difference....


As a native Cantonese speaker, I found this film hilarious with its over the top depiction of Qing dynasty court procedure, Taoist sexual practices and Confucian moralizing.I have watched this film with some Chinese people who were very westernized or Chinese who were very uptight. They were offended as much as some Western viewers. Other Chinese have found it just as funny as I did.There is a lot of very fine dialogue that unless you are a Cantonese speaker you cannot appreciate it. The acting is modern and naturalistic. It does not appear stylized or affected in a manner that a historical costume drama would suggest.The voice over narration at the beginning and end of the film was also hilarious in putting a pseudo scholarly & historical tone to the proceedings.This is a must see if you have any serious interest in Hong Kong films. Top notch entertainment if you are into this stuff. 10/10
