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My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Legend of Everfree

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Legend of Everfree (2016)

October. 01,2016
| Adventure Fantasy Animation Comedy

When Canterlot Highschool goes on a trip to Camp Everfree, they’re surprised to find a magical force is causing strange things to happen around camp. With the help of the Mane 6 and especially Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle must confront the dark “Midnight Sparkle” within herself and embrace her newfound magical abilities to save the camp.


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Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??


Highly Overrated But Still Good


There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.


By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.


I don't know how much more of this I can take. Last time I experienced anything involving evil rich people and forestation it was Ubisoft's 'Assassin's Creed III(2012)'. At least that was intellectually stimulating, despite Connor being a loser. This movie is starting to make me hate Sunset Shimmer. At least we get to hear her sing without those monkeys in the background. I feel like they got some of this from that crap episode 'Power Ponies' on the show. I'll tell you who they rip off-or are 'Inspired By', if you prefer. : On the show that is.Rarity-Green LanternRainbow Dash-ThorPinkie Pie-The FlashFluttershy-The Hulk(why?)Applejack-Wonder WomanTwilight-Doctor StrangeSpike-Batman/RobinMane-iac-The Joker and/or LokiSome of this was unchanged for the movie. Personally, I hate that they just get away with this stuff Scot-free. Even 'Teen Titans GO!(2013-Today)' can do it. But anyway, back to this evil movie.So Canterlot High goes on a trip to Camp Everfree, which just so happens to be surrounded by a cursed forest and coveted by an evil businessman. Wonderful world to live in, isn't it? Also, the villain's name is 'Filthy Rich'. Why? 'Cause he's filthy rich! Either he's a Templar and there's a Piece of Eden somewhere under the forest, or they modeled him after Donald Trump(Hell, I'm glad I voted for Trump, and given the chance I'd do it again. That's right, I said it.). What nice people Hasbro has! If Rich was becoming such a problem, why didn't they just hire a bodyguard? Jason Morgan? Kevin Costner? The Magnificent Seven? The Punisher? Deadpool? They have him in this world, right? But of course, everything worked out in the end, because the Mane 7 used the magic of Friendship, because that worked out sooo well in 'Tomb Raider(2018)' and other countless good movies.If any parents reading this have read my review for Friendship is Magic, then you know the lies that its feeding your children. But together we can stop it. We can stop My Little Pony from leading our children down the path to Fascism.


Now, the characterization and dialogue is still fairly strong, The colors in this are also gorgeous; the best of the films. However, this film is more obvious. In the past, Equestria Girls managed to differentiate itself from other high school films for young girls by being a bit more creative. Here, though, things get more cliched. This is a more traditional story of saving the camp that's going out of business along with some traditional romantic flirting. The villain and song are also subpar.Not bad, per se and probably still stronger than other films of the type, but still a weaker MLP entry.


First off, this is one of the better Equestria Girls movies. Probably my favorite of what has been released so far. That being said, this movie is probably the one where I find my aggravation levels caused by Twilight's character to be the highest. The entire series would have been better off not having Twilight at all. Sunset Shimmer is far and away a much more sympathetic protagonist and has the most developed and interesting story of any character related to the series.What makes a good character is their story, and one of the reasons why characters like Luna and Sunset are so popular is because they have a base story of redemption. They went to the dark side, but have been redeemed and continuously are trying to better themselves and make up for their past. They are constantly moving forward while characters like Twilight are just... stagnant. I am incredibly disappointed at how Sunset was treated in this movie. First off, her "power" comes off as more of an afterthought than anything that makes sense. (I mean, really, the ability to touch someone and see into their mind? Compared to the abilities of everyone else, this is really bad. If anything it was only given to her to help smooth over bucketloads of exposition. Her power might as well be called "Exposition-finder-ex-machina" because that is ALL it's good for.) It's also pretty weak compared to Twilight who is given some pretty OP abilities that, to be honest, she has done nothing to even earn out of all the movies she has been present (and I mean this of her human character, not her pony character since her pony version actually did something to earn her powers). Sunset has worked the hardest to overcome adversity and is the true fighter in it all, but she's always being relegated to a back seat spot in favor of a character whose only contribution to the plot is allowing herself to be overcome with negativity. Honestly? They should just make Sunset the alicorn of the Equestria Girls series. This is an alternate dimension, after all. Why does everything have to go by the pony universe? If another film is made (and I'm sure there will be so long as there is money to be had) then I hope more focus and ability is given to the characters who actually deserve it rather than just dumping more special snowflake dust on Twilight Sparkle. Forcibly shoving something like Twilight's inept character repeatedly down the throats of viewers is NOT the way to get people to like her more.


The first Equestria Girls movie was interesting because of new ideas, characters and comedy. Rainbow Rocks elevated all of this to the whole new level while adding well-balanced story structure and memorable songs. This tradition was continued by the third movie, Friendship Games, which not only provided everything good from Rainbow Rocks but also provided us with even better soundtrack and some great epic moments.After the success of the 2nd and the 3rd films, my expectations were high enough to expect from the 4th one the same best points Equestria Girls franchise has established. And... Legend of Everfree didn't have any of it. First of all, the plot structure. It basically doesn't exist. Almost the whole movie is composed of scenes only slightly related to each other which made me confused at about the middle of the movie and question myself of what exactly is happening. Some Scooby- Doo vibes I had during certain parts of the movie also didn't help to make an original atmosphere I was hoping to see. Most of the songs, even the antagonist's one, were good, but not memorable as in previous two films. The villain was unsurprising, her motivations and actions didn't make any sense at all. On the top of that, the culmination scene ended as anticlimactically as it was possible, which reminded me of plot resolutions in some Power Rangers episodes.Although, I can make some good points. The comedy element of the movie was pretty well-made. Also, we see good character development of Flash Sentry (finally!) who, in my opinion, is the most underrated character of the franchise. In the end, I can say this: upcoming three special episodes are going to be good because of lowering the bar of expectations that Legend of Everfree did. This is probably the only thing this movie successfully accomplished.
