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The Meyerowitz Stories

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The Meyerowitz Stories (2017)

October. 13,2017
| Drama Comedy
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An estranged family gathers together in New York for an event celebrating the artistic work of their father.


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Absolutely amazing


The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.


The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one


A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.


I wanted to watch this movie because I am a big fan of Grace Van Patten. This young actress has a lot of potential. Unfortunately, the movie goes further in the Hollywood style and must undress every young actress at the beginning of their career. This is not art, this is call perverted view. Do you really need to show naked people in order to express your ideas? This is the way you teach the young generation how to look at life and how to express? It is a disgrace. I am terribly disappointed that Grace Van Patten accepted to play this role. Probably she had no other choice as many other actresses, but it is disappointing. Regarding the story, I am not convinced by their performance and is a big disappointment especially Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thomson who made such great couple in "Last chance Harvey". I was expecting much more from such first class actors. The other two (Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller) are not between my favourites and they did not excel in their roles. I am still waiting for a good movie...

Anthony Iessi

Unpopular opinion incoming.Noah Baumbach has made fantastic film and gratingly annoying films. The Squid and the Whale was a fascinating film about fractured families. While We're Young was a great film about hipsters. The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected) explores the affects of a father that was never there. The cast is as appetizing as they come. Hoffman, Stiller and Sandler are all giants of their own respective fields and have proven to be amazing dramatic talents. It looks like the perfect pet-project for a celebrated independent filmmaker. But as I watched, I felt something that I usually never feel while watching any movie. Nothing.The Meyerowitz Stories has no depth. It's a character study of truly empty people. It's Woody Allen's "Interiors" minus the pretentiousness. Dustin Hoffman sleepwalks as Harold Meyerpwitz. He seems confused or perhaps just going through the motions in order to get the pay check. Adam Sandler's performance is praised as Danny Meyerowitz, the limping, slovenly-dressed trust fund baby. Praised, perhaps, because he doesn't act like buffoon for once. That's an extremely low bar for praise, especially coming from the star of Punch-Drunk Love. Sandler, like Hoffman, feels entirely lost here. So does Stiller, so does Marvel, so does Thompson. These people are not a fun time to watch. You wouldn't sit next to them on a busy subway car. I didn't understand it. I didn't get it. Maybe it's a comment on the peculiar inner workings of a family unit in which the patriarch is a flighty, off-the-wall artist. But do I care to understand it on that level? Not really.


Enjoyed every minute of the movie! It's so different from those template action movies that 99% are nowadays. Great acting and no dumb jokes! Very live-like movie.


This is a movie made by a man, about men, and their relationships with men. Such a waste of time, nothing new or interesting. The female characters are a joke, like did the screen writer read up on the Bechdel test and take it as his personal goal to never ever coming close to pass it? It is so tiresome to have to watch a full two hours of men just being men, and thereby being entitled to attention. And the broken male relationships? Seen it all before. If you want to dwell in dysfunctional father-son relationships I would recommend you to go back to Star Wars. Jesus Christ!
