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Teen Wolf Too

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Teen Wolf Too (1987)

November. 20,1987
| Fantasy Comedy Family
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Although awkward college student Todd Howard is particularly adept at science, he's paying for school with an athletic scholarship that he will lose should he not fare well in an upcoming boxing tournament. Luckily for Todd, he has inherited the same family curse that once turned his cousin into a werewolf. As he transforms into the hairy, fanged, howling monster, he finds both his physical agility and his popularity skyrocketing -- but at what cost?


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Nice effects though.


It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.


I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.


This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.


Teen Wolf Too (1987) * (out of 4)Todd Howard (Jason Bateman), the cousin of the teenage werewolf from the first film, finds himself in college on a sports scholarship even though he doesn't play sports. It turns out that Stiles (Stuart Fratkin) pretty much added him to the team hoping that he could have the same wolf powers. When it turns out Todd is a werewolf, his entire life changes.TEEN WOLF was a film that most people make fun of or look at as a piece of trash but I've always had a soft spot for it. Yes, it's quite stupid but at the same time it was a fun movie with some good performances and for the most part it featured a character that a lot of young people could connect with. TEEN WOLF TOO, on the other hand, is pure garbage and the worst thing is that it's pretty lazy and just a boring rehash of the first picture.Everything that happens in the first picture basically happens here, although the quality is much less. You've got a teenager struggling with life who finds himself becoming popular. The teen loves the popularity but soon realizes it is costing him real friends. He soon realizes that the party girl isn't what he wants. He realizes that the party life isn't what he wants. Does all of this sound familiar? If so, I'm sure you know how it ends.Worst of all is the fact that all of the goofiness that worked in the first picture just doesn't work here. Bateman is a complete bore in the picture. Fratkin can't compete with the original actor. Even John Astin is wasted in a boring role. The film has a couple cast members from the original but even they can't add much here.TEEN WOLF TOO is just a really lousy movie that was made to try and make money off of the original. There's nothing fresh or new here and the end result is a real turkey.


There seems to be so much going wrong with this movie before you actually put it into the DVD player and press play to actually question whether it is actually going to be worth your time (all one and a half hours of it, and remember that you are never going to get those one and a half hours back) sitting in front of the television screen (or in my case, the computer) and watching it.Okay, we can forgive the fact that Michael J Fox does not return as the lead character. This is understandable considering we are dealing with a new place and apparently new people. Well, that is actually what made me start thinking about this film and that is that as far as I could tell, there was only one actor, and that is the father (James Hampton) that actually came across from the original movie. However, there were a number of characters that came over as well (including Styles and the Coach) but it appears that these actors had better things to do with their time.Oh, the guy that plays Chubby comes over as well, but maybe that was because he was having a lot of difficulty finding work in Hollywood at the time.Okay, now that we have put that aside, I might then go on to suggest that this film reminds me of The Hangover Part II. No, not because it is about a bunch of guys that get outrageously drunk and have to piece the previous night together (though if they had thrown a werewolf into it, it might have made that movie somewhat more interesting) but rather because it is an exact duplicate of Teen Wolf, to the point that we pretty much know exactly what is going to happen. The only difference is because we are dealing with boxing as opposed to basketball, and we are in college as opposed to high school.Oh, we do have mention of those dreaded sports scholarships that seem to full American Universities with semi-literate people we are able to coast through their courses simply because they are really good at sports (and considering that college and highschool football is actually a big money spinner over in the states, I can see why they want to attract the best athletes). However, we must remember that while the athletes may become millionaires (if they are lucky and don't land up like Al Bundy, working in a ladies shoe shop, caught in some familial situation where he is the butt of all the jokes), it is the geeks that go on to become billionaires (unless, of course, you are like me that you did not actually use your geekiness and your intelligence wisely, and ended up wasting your time playing Dungeons and Dragons, and wasting your money buying Magic Cards).

Kelly Poisoncupcake

In the summary, the author has the main character, Todd, being played by Justin Bateman. This isn't correct. His name is in fact, Jason Bateman. Though he does have a sister, also an actress, by the name of Justine Bateman. hope that clears it up. She is in the film Satisfaction, sometimes called The Girls of Summer, and the shows Family Ties and Men Behaving Badly. Jason is also in Juno, Extract, Arrested Development, Silver Spoons,etc. Maybe one day, Justine will appear in a film called Tween Wolf , but until that time, she had no part in this film. Though not being a tween, perhaps ahe can play the gruff guidance counselor, or understanding principal of the school.


Christopher Leitch's direction didn't live up-to my expectations.'Teen Wolf Too' is a major letdown, I enjoyed Teen Wolf, the prequel. But the sequel is a very disappointing.Jason Bateman & some characters add on, the story is almost the same. The first was on Basketball, this is on Boxing. Some sequences for instance, in the 1st J.Fox shows his red-angry eyes to buy beer, over here Bateman shows his werewolf side to get his subjects in shape. And characters like Stiles & Chubby contribute nothing in the proceedings.Acting-wise: Jason Bateman is alright, plus he doesn't look anywhere like a boxer. Others are strictly okay.on the whole 'Teen Wolf Too' just doesn't work.
