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Gestapo's Last Orgy

Gestapo's Last Orgy (1978)

December. 10,1978
| Drama Horror War

Lise Cohen is taken to a special prisoner-of-war camp for female Jews, a camp run as a bordello to entertain the German officers and troops going in to battle. The camp is run with an iron fist by Commandant Starker and his minion Alma. Starker becomes frustrated when Lise demonstrates no fear, and devises cruel experiments to scare her, to no avail. Once she realizes her guilt is unfounded, Lise begins to play Starker's game, but even though she begins living a better life, she doesn't forget the atrocities she has seen and experienced.


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One of the worst movies I've ever seen


Dreadfully Boring

Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

Raymond Sierra

The film may be flawed, but its message is not.


The Plot. Lise Cohen is taken to a special prisoner-of-war camp for female Jews, a camp run as a bordello to entertain the German officers and troops going in to battle. The camp is run with an iron fist by Commandant Starker and his minion Alma. Starker becomes frustrated when Lise demonstrates no fear, and devises cruel experiments to scare her, to no avail. Once she realizes her guilt is unfounded, Lise begins to play Starker's game, but even though she begins living a better life, she doesn't forget the atrocities she has seen and experienced.The titles are the best part of this film. Other than that, I fast forwarded to the atrocity parts because it's really boring.Frankly, so are the atrocities. They make no sense.Not one of the better exploitation movies.


CALIGULA REINCARNATED AS Hitler is a decent, yet somewhat dull Nazi flick in the same realm as ILSA and all the other copy-cats. Basic story- Lise is taken to a camp where the head Nazi-guy tries to break her will with torture. Lise is a strong-willed young lady and won't be broken so easily. Eventually, Lise realizes she can turn the game on it's head by cooperating and giving the head Nazi-guy what he wants. She finally pretends to fall in love with him so that she can act out her revenge... The main difference between this film and many of the other "Nazisploitation" films is that this one appears to take itself pretty seriously. It doesn't have the "campy" feel of the ILSA flicks and every thing is played straight-faced. I think this adds to the atmosphere of the film, but to be quite honest, there isn't much to this film anyway. The torture scenes are pretty tame and there's a few lame sex scenes. There are a few decent moments. The human-flesh-dinner-scene comes to mind...but overall this film is rather dull and not very shocking. A decent attempt but all-in-all a rather forgettable film. If you are looking for a real shockfest or bloodbath - this isn't it. Obviously CALIGULA REINCARNATED won't be for all tastes due to the subject matter, but for the exploit/horror enthusiasts out there, this one will seem rather bland. A generous 6.5/10


It takes something special to shock those of us who chew popcorn through Hong Kong gore movies and watch the bulldozer decapitation scene from "Island Of Death" to cheer ourselves up. Blood and guts won't do it: if you've ever seen a movie like "Flower Of Flesh And Blood", you hardly blink at a badly-acted torture scene or two. Nastiness isn't enough: those who've sat through the rape scene in "I Spit On Your Grave" won't find any of the sexual violence in "Gestapo's Last Orgy" remotely disturbing. So why is this strange, strange movie more unsettling than any of the other obscure trash/gore/exploitation flicks some of us love so much?Unlike "SS Experiment Camp" or "The Beast In Heat", "The Gestapo's Last Orgy" isn't quite ridiculous enough to be camp...unlike "Ilsa, She Wolf Of The SS", it's not an outrageous bad-taste romp for whooping drive-in punters. Influenced more by "The Night Porter" than anything else, this unsavoury bucket of softcore death-camp swill actually thinks it's A Proper Movie.Director Cesare Canavari has a ball ripping off Fellini, Godard, Pasolini and Tinto Brass on a college-project budget, while the script attempts to explore Sadeian themes with some level of seriousness. Uniquely among the Nazisploitation films, the movie specifically refers to the prisoners as Jewish. But this is a movie in which Nazis sit round a dinner table saying "there's nothing better than a pot-roast of unborn Jew!" - in a "dramatic" boat scene, a technician can be seen kneeling in the back of the boat. It's a cheapo, badly-made schlock shocker just like all the others! Its pretentions are what make it so mindbogglingly shocking - what the hell were these people thinking?


This sickie has very good production values, decent acting and an exciting storyline for this kind of trash. Them deranged nazis is at again in one of those generic "women's work camps". It's not as graphic as others but the vile tone is unbelievable harsh as the officers torture and humiliate young jewish girls and...(hold tight!)...EAT THEM AND THEIR UNBORN BABIES!!?! It's unsettling as hell cuz it's so well made. There's also a lot of De Sade-like master/slave games going on. Only for the most jaded thrill seekers (like me) who're tired of Hollywood's PC blockbusters.
