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Bong of the Dead

Bong of the Dead (2011)

February. 04,2011
| Horror Action Comedy

When the world is taken over by flesh eating zombies, best friends Tommy and Edwin figure out a way to benefit from it by turning zombies into fertilizer for growing potent weed! There will be bud.


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it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.


There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.


It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny

Michael Ledo

A zombie outbreak is caused by CG meteors. Two stoners (Jy Harris, Mark Wynn) survive and hook up with a woman (Simone Bailly). They travel to a place broadcast on the radio to be a safe zone. That's pretty much it. Plenty of stoner "humor". Acting is bad, the dialouge is idiotic. The plot is simple and stupid. The blood effects are mostly "Troma" style.This film is supposed to be humorous, but it was just plain stupid. I had high hopes for it in the beginning, but once our Beethoven loving Hummel painter scene was over, the movie tanked.Parental Guide: F-bomb, no sex. Nudity (Tanzyn Ambrose, Rose Greenwood)


I bought this movie after its release on DVD and well, you get what you get, if some dudes smoke brains of the undead to get high and higher ;)This movie is not a B class movie but imo a C type but got some merits: lots of fun, some funny and weird ideas, some nice gore and the acting and production is not of that kind of "some buddies with a Canon digi-cam and a funny idea make a movie and the buddy who happens to be a designer makes a nice movie poster". But, can I, or dare I really to recommend the Bong to you!?Yes, but only if:a) you like trash, and lots of it b) you like zombies c) you like some more zombies d) you like zombie comedies e) you find Cheech und Chong still funny.Good, if Bong of the Dead hits your "neural fun-system", unwatchable if it does not, I guess...


Zombie movie fans need to watch this. Sure the acting and dialogue is pretty terrible, but I found it to be highly entertaining. It's unbelievable to me that this movie was made for a mere $15,000. The special effects and zombie makeup are great considering the low budget, and Thomas Newman introduces some new ideas (at least ones I've never seen in zombie entertainment) that I found to be quite inventive. I thought that the "stoner" aspect would end up ruling this flick a bit more, but it was secondary to zombies, which I enjoyed as well. If you do take the time to check it out, make sure you watch it through the credits for even more fun.


This movie has a happy slapstick feel to it, Cheech and Chong meet the undead. It was funny, it was heartwarming (sometimes a little too much)-- and it had an awesome ending that included perhaps one of the most awesome killing machines in recent zombie-killing history.The two stoner leads (Edwin and Tommy) were perfect boneheads-- but boneheads with a mission. There is also one of the hottest chicks since Tomb Raider (wait 'til she gets all gussied up in leathers)... and it is pure and simple entertainment.I understand the film was produced for $5000, and that in itself is reason enough to watch it-- but don't watch it for that! Watch it because its funny and clever and the zombie effects are first rate (by veteran Mike Fields). The final climactic scene is awesome... oh, and watch past the trailers for a taste of things to come.
