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The Wrecking Crew

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The Wrecking Crew (2008)

March. 11,2008
| Documentary Music
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A celebration of the musical work of a group of session musicians known as "The Wrecking Crew." a band that provided back-up instrumentals to such legendary recording artists as Frank Sinatra, The Beach Boys, and Bing Crosby.


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Such a frustrating disappointment


hyped garbage


it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.


The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.


As a really lousy piano player I am in complete awe of musicians like these who can do almost anything with their instrument.Riveting subject matter but the structure of this documentary is a complete mess. Part of the problem is that the distance in time from when the film was made and the events being chronicled. It would have taken a lot more money and effort to really do this subject justice.Another problem is that none of the musicians they interviewed were articulate speakers and had little to say but this could be blamed on the filmmaker not asking the right questions. The one exception perhaps was his father, Tommy Tedesco who had a few funny and revealing bits in the film.


Those who can hear in the mind's ear the rest of the lyrics to the above summary line may find themselves joyful to watch this aggregation of the many major but unsung talents of the pop music explosion of the mid- twentieth stationery. There are interviews with many longtime musicians who played on almost all of the 'hits' of that era, but who went unrecognized and worked anonymously for most of their lives. This move is an homage to these musicians, who, notwithstanding their anonymity, seemed to enjoy a bond among themselves that was second to none. Many insights are provided on the creation of music that is now part of the soundtrack of our lives.Truly a labor of love for all involved. For maximum musical edification, I would strongly recommend a double feature, following up with 20 Feet from Stardom.


A celebration of the musical work of a group of session musicians known as the "Wrecking Crew", a band that provided back-up instrumentals to such legendary recording artists as Frank Sinatra, The Beach Boys and Bing Crosby.Production began in June 1996 and was completed in February 2008. The film played in film festivals in North America, and was the closing film at the Nashville Film Festival on April 24, 2008. A Kickstarter campaign at the end of 2013 raised over three hundred thousand dollars to cover music licensing and final production costs. The film opened in theaters across the United States on March 13, 2015.I am not clear on what the Oscar rules are. Is this a 2015 film or a 2008 film? I hope it is eligible for Best Documentary. Some are saying it is similar to "20 Feet From Stardom", and I can certainly see that. But I would say this is an even bigger deal. Who knew that so many songs, in so many styles, came from a handful of folks? I will never listen to 1950s or 1960s music the same way again.


THE WRECKING CREW (2015) **** Fascinating pop culture historical rockdoc focusing on the scary good studio musicians of the 1950s-1970s who helped score the soundtrack of our lives while gaining little to no recognition (or wealth) to speak of as the unsung artists of a Who's Who in rock, R&B and modern day chart rocketing smash hits by superstar talent. Filmmaker Denny Tedesco's nearly 20 year odyssey and valentine to not only his father Tommy and the motley crew making up the titular cast of characters who did what they loved: played music no matter the price in the process. Filled with chock-a-block jukebox memories and archival footage hearkening back to nostalgic glee and timeless tunes. A must see for any fan of music in any shape or form. Fantastic!
