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My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas

My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas (2005)

October. 25,2005
| Fantasy Animation

The 'Here Comes Christmas Candy Cane' is an important part of Ponyville: it’s the beacon that shows jolly old Santa Claus the way to the town as he makes his holiday rounds each year. But when Minty accidentally breaks it, it looks like Ponyville is destined to have a bleak holiday season. Minty is determined to do anything to save Christmas for her Pony friends while they, in turn, band together to try and cheer up their despondent four-legged friend.


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Excellent but underrated film

Rosie Searle

It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.


This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.


Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas" is a 44-minute animated short film from 2005, so this one is already over a decade old. But it is definitely not among the most known from the franchise, despite the occasion this was made for, namely the holidays. Or maybe because of the occasion as pink, sparkly ponies may not go to well with a winter wonderland. Anyway, I must say that I don't know really any people who made this film and things don't look different when it comes to the voice actors. But still, this film delivers exactly what you would expect looking at the title, namely a Christmas-themed MLP film with a plot that is never really too dramatic when one pony accidentally breaks a magic cane and they need to go on a mission to bring back the spirit of Christmas attached to said cane. Animation-wise, it is also what you could expect. It's neither particularly good or bad I would say, but while I love many other styles of animation and story-telling that may be rather suitable for kids than for adults, this one here does almost nothing for me. One reason may be personal bias as I have never been too big on MLP on general, so if you like the other stuff, then maybe you will enjoy this one too. Christmas 2017 is approaching, so it's your chance to check it out. I would rather give out a negative recommendation here, but I don't really have to as you can make up your mind very well yourself from what you know about MLP and what you have seen as chances are pretty much 0% you have not seen anything from the franchise when you consider checking out this fairly forgotten holiday special.


A Very Minty Christmas is my favorite G3 episode/movie. The story is very charming and Minty is a very likable and charming character. The songs are a bit weird (there's one about socks for crying out loud) but they're not really bad. However, the animation can get a little weird at times. The eyes on the ponies are so weird they're almost creepy. I'm sure younger viewers wouldn't mind but older viewers might be slightly creeped out by the ponies' nearly demonic expressions. The story also does take a while to really get started but I think the scenes were necessary and might be better if they were shortened a bit. In conclusion, hardcore bronies and pegasisters should give this a chance and try to think of the G3 ponies as separated entities from the G4 ponies. I also recommend this for kids and for people who like movies such as Santa Buddies.


I am from the Allspark Forum.The place for old Pony episodes and movie talk.G3 is analyzed there on that forum.I been a Pony fan since the start, and I was laughing so hard at G3 first.But then I was buying loads of G3 merchandise, and saw this G3 Christmas movie.This is focusing on the clumsy fan favorite Minty that ruins Christmas. Minty flies away thereafter.Of course Minty comes back, and Christmas is saved once again.It's no epic like The Polar Express.But, some light Holiday fare with lots of memorable songs, good animation and lovable ponies.8/10


The animation looks particularly shoddy, but he film's greatest crime is the annoying, generic, craptastic protagonist. Why do kids shows usually have some annoying prat of a character we are supposed to care about? Minty is one of those people that can't leave anything alone. She's always touching stuff and pissing about, only to act surprised when she breaks something. After this, she then acts like some victim. Her great idea is to commit greater felonies, such as breaking in to the homes of her friends. At least the title song is a catchy little ditty, but past that it's annoying kiddy crap. Only show this to particularly dumb kids.
