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Fruit in the Neighbor's Garden

Fruit in the Neighbor's Garden (1935)

December. 20,1935
| Comedy


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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.


It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

Bea Swanson

This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.


Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.


I consider myself a true series classic fan ,as oppose to the corporate film making business definition,Which is mainly casual fans of classic film and Fans of Hollywood legacy only.The positive pleasant side of film history,the remembered only.That group is nothing but cattle. Corporate Hollywood would be in trouble if they weren't. I wish people would wake up and not allow big business to control them!Our target, we are not just only into Hollywood legacy's and popular classic and positive film history, we also into bad film history, poor film history ,negative film history. Good with the bad.See 50,50. Corporate firms barely serve us .They are too greedy.Now proverbs in the grass is a pleasant non propaganda comedy ,made during the early years of the third Reich. It's by a way a Hollywood production style.It even has a jazzy music and tap dancing number, of the title,by a sister team,"The Hopfner sisters.They probably came right out of Berlin Revues, maybe. Remember such music and dancing,as well as the regular jazz music in the film was suppose to be outlawed in Nazi Germany.But the government could not control all German citizens.It's a Romeo and Juliet type of romantic comedy without tragedy. Farmer Adele Hecht,Play by Adele Sandrock has bought a duck to promote duck eggs and a duck farm,ends up being a pet. Theo Stall plays her nephew ,who lives with her and helps out at the farm.His aunt wants him to marry the Kindergarten teacher,played by Irma,played by Rotraut Ritcher. But he's in love with Next door neighbors daughter Hansi,played by Iris Arlan,who live with her Father,retired councilman Warren and his lazy Gardner Valentin,played By Karl Valentin.So Theo and Hansi makes a plan to get both to meet together and become even better friends ,so they can get married. Theo even gets help from Irma and his friend ,teacher Gottfried Berger ,played by Reinhold Bernt . Everything goes well until , Adele's duck lays the first egg and Valentine steals it , cause it's in the councilman property,that they end up in court Theo,Hansi.Valentin, Warren, Adele and her maid Liesl,played Liesl Karlstadt. In a class room,By a school teacher, who's a judge and a lawyer ,Anton Huber,played by Stalewart German character actor Albert Florath,who always looks old,to solve the case. An excellent romantic comedy musical made when things were getting worst in Germany.Excellent digital print. 11/14/12
