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Scorchers (1991)

July. 07,1991
| Drama Comedy Romance
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Bayou La Teche, Louisiana sizzles as the Cajun town celebrates the wedding of Splendid and Dolan. The trouble comes on the wedding night when Splendid is determined to maintain her innocence. On the other side of town Splendids' cousin has her own problems. Her man has been sleeping with Thais, the town hooker. She heads to the Tiger Cafe with gun in hand to get back her man.


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So much average


Save your money for something good and enjoyable


Absolutely the worst movie.

Kien Navarro

Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.


It's heavily underrated. It's likely that you might have missed the opening monologue if you have watched it on a DVD or VHS. Try to see the original one, it sets the mood which then is abruptly interrupted by the proceedings in the town. Gentle shock I will say. Not much of a critic, but Scorchers is one of the best 'entertaining' Dramas I have seen on screen. It is okay that the movie didn't win any major award as it didn't have any elaborate screenplay. It would fall short on most other categories as well. However, I am not sure why any of the actors didn't win any major award. Just look at the cast and you will know what I am talking about. You will fall in love with Splendid (Emily Lloyd) for sure.


I don't know what sophiajg1 is ON (see her comment), but I think the most outstanding thing about Scorchers is that it's the worst written, worst directed, and worst acted (apart from Dunaway, Jones and Elliott, who can actually act) movie of all time! Every other actor in this movie (especially the leads) puts in an absolutely appalling performance. And it's not that they just had a bad day, but these are people who are just hopeless. You watch them acting, and constantly notice that they are ACTING. The casting choices are atrocious. I wouldn't use the script to wrap month-old fish. The DVD cover should contain a medical warning: The directing style of this movie might actually induce a coma in the viewer. Why anyone would EVER be foolish enough to finance a movie that contains the name David Beaird in any capacity whatsoever is totally beyond me.


This movie really took my wife and I by surprise. It starts with a long session of a talking head. I was immediately turned off by this format. However, I continued to listen and found myself hooked. How many directors or writers can make a talking head not only hold your attention but have me riveted to the screen.We found what I took to be a look at Cajun culture and philosophy to be a beautiful story about love, lust, and family relationships. We now own this DVD and have watched it several times. It is sad to think that this film did not do well at the box office. Most of the our favorite films died at the box office.


I remember this film as one of the most engaging beginnings in a long time... but then it gets terribly boring. What a pity. Faye Dunaway and James Earl Jones are great, as usual, but the script gets lost. The same ideas with a different script would have made a better film.
