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The Black Hole

The Black Hole (2008)

October. 31,2008
| Comedy

Charlie, a sleep-deprived office worker accidentally produces a black hole out of the photocopy machine - and then he gets greedy...


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Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.


I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

Usamah Harvey

The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

Billy Ollie

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable


A special gift. to a bored clerk. the too many posibilities to use it. and, the error as result of deep sin. modern in every aspect, it reminds the old Arabian Nights. for the moral, for the character who is transformed, step by step, by his discover, for the end who reminds the limit of the bocke by reality. a film about greed, at the first sigh. in fact, only the subtle question "what you do if..." is the basic source of seduction and challenge for the viewer.

Syo Kennex

The Black Hole is a short comedy, thriller, crime short film by Philip Samson and Olly Williams, released in 2008. When a sleep deprived office worker accidentally photocopies a black hole late one night, the possibilities suddenly seem endless. But will greed get the better of him?This was a really well done short film. With simply no dialogue, and an obvious route when it gets there, this is a film about morality, with a simple meaning behind it. Normally, I would be annoyed by a film like this – it goes about it in quite an obvious way, with no other way it could go, but Samson and Williams did this really well. It was paced, fast paced, but paced out so that it didn't go on for too long. The acting in this was really well done; I'm amazed at just how well Napoleon Ryan did in this short film. He did really well, and he really played the part of a greed stricken man very well. It was really not hard to believe this was just another greedy office worker in the world, and it wasn't hard to believe he was real. This had a humorous ending and was really well done. Kudos to Samson and Williams. I will definitely be looking for more from them.

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

And I do not mean this in any negative way. To me, this little film felt like a joke that you tell somebody with a punchline in the end and everything before that leads to this ending. "The Black Hole" is a 2.5-minute short film from sever years ago written and directed by Philip Sansom and Olly Williams. A man realizes that the document he just printed works as a black hole, so he can grab some sweets for free, but he gets greedier and greedier and his next target is the company's safe. He goes for it and it seems like a success, but only until his greed gets the best of him and he decides to pretty much climb into the safe. Bed decision here. Unfortunately, the two filmmakers have not managed to build a feature film career on the Youtube success of this little movie here. The lead actor at least appeared in minor roles in famous films such as "The Master". Good watch here and I recommend. Certainly worth 2-3 minutes of your time.

Claudio Carvalho

While working after hours copying documents, the bored clerk kicks and punches the buttons of the photocopy machine when it jams. The photocopier releases a piece of paper with a black circle in the center, and when the clerk puts his cup of coffee on the spot, he discovers that it is indeed a black hole. The clerk uses the black hole to get a chocolate bar from a vending machine. Then the greedy employee decides to use the black hole to open the door of a room with a safe and steal the money from inside. However, he does not reach the wads of notes on the bottom and enters in the safe to take all the money out with tragic consequences."The Black Hole" is a short and deep tale of greed of human nature. It is impressive how the writers and directors Philip Sansom and Olly Williams were able to make a short of less than 3 minutes running time without any line and succeed in transmitting one of the seven deadly sins ( "Avaritia") so perfectly and with right dose of humor. My vote is nine.Title (Brazil): Not Available
