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Father of Lights

Father of Lights (2012)

July. 07,2012
| Documentary

Through filming incredible spiritual encounters around the world, Darren Wilson cuts through religious misconceptions in an effort to find the true nature and character of God.


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Good concept, poorly executed.


I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.


The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity


There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

jay w

this doc will change your life for the better its incredible, I promise you if you watch this you'll be so glad you did. thoroughly breath taking & unmissable. To call a film epic, really is to say that the film somehow blew my mind and everything I thought I knew about either film or a subject matter or both. To say that a documentary is epic is almost unheard of. This term is better left to those kinds of films that Hollywood puts out every few years. Brave heart, Gladiator and the like. So would I say that Father of Lights is Epic? Let me answer that question YES YES YES YES ITS EPIC10/10 WooooooooW †


Awesome accounts of real-life God encounters and miracles. No one could have made this stuff up. I dare anyone to watch this movie and not be moved. I have seen Todd White's work on the streets of Las Vegas and New York. Turning hearts and healing those in need is a great witness for the present day works of God. This movie is well put together showing many reputable men of God sharing the true essence of Jesus. This film demonstrates the active presence of God around the globe. Even in the areas that despise Christianity. His love shines through every situation. For those who are in denial, please take time to watch this and judge it for yourself.


If you want to know if there is a God and if they care about you. Or maybe you believe there is a God but don't know who they are, or maybe you are a Christian but wanting proof that your God is real. You have to watch this! In my opinion this was more powerful than the two previous documentaries from wanderlust. Both of which I loved called "The Finger of God" and "Furious Love." The Finger of God was good and had some incredible miracles in it, but was somehow lacking I think in showing the heart of God. This was better shown in Furious love which actually made me cry because the power of the love of God was so incredibly shown. Father of lights continues on from Furious love revealing Gods character, and with some moments so incredible they make you want to shout. I watched a showing of this with about 150 people and a couple of times the entire auditorium started cheering about what they saw. It really is incredible. They clearly and powerfully demonstrate the power of God.

John Kingston

This is a documentary, in the style of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 or Bowling for Columbine. But the subject matter is very different from Moore's films: Darren Wilson is trying to capture examples of (the Christian) God in action. To this end, he travels with and films various Christians who minister to others (many of them are not "ministers" by profession) just to see what happens when people put their trust in God. He finds examples of self-sacrifice; supernatural guidance; remarkable 'coincidences'; and above all, the power of love as an expression of God's heart for his children -- i.e. anybody.There are some surprises: without giving spoilers, there are some situations where people play a role that "good Christian theology" would not predict. This film may not include big special effects or airbrushed movie stars, but like Moore's documentaries, its attraction is that it is real; and after seeing it, I expect you'll believe that God -- the Father of Lights himself -- is real and active too.
