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Generation Zero

Generation Zero (2010)

January. 01,2010
| Documentary

An examination of the causes of the global economic crisis which began in 2008, studying how decades of social changes have influenced financial systems and practices.


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Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.


One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.


An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.


Got much more from this documentary than we expected! It did a very good job of critiquing the Economic Crisis of 2008 and assigning responsibility. And the film also did an excellent job of addressing the historical cultural developments and their contributions. We had not seen that "full picture" before. This film provides insight into the current national conditions that still exist. Highly recommend. It's better than some of the other so- called factual documentaries out there on what led to 2008 meltdown.


The pentagon "lost" 6.5 trillion, that's right, with a 't' dollars. Never been accounted for. Know where it went? I saw it happen. For decades, the pentagon handed out DoD credit cards like they were a broken candy machine. The money went for furniture, entertainment, kegs of beer, pros, etc. Lots of small charges spread around tend to inflate that deficit you seem so worried about. We get the idea.Did you just "forget" about that government expenditure, Steve, or were you on that gravy train also? Did you use any DoD money to produce this piece of fiscal documentary?So, your new boss seems all interested in blowing trillions more on defense. Why is that, exactly?Just get out, you Marxist wannabe. "Breitbart" = "wide beard", and Karl Marx had the widest beard ever. We get it. Did you tell your new pal your political secret? Go polish Andrew's tombstone or get a job on Fox News or something more constructive than what you are doing, because you really haven't got a half a clue about anything remotely political or economic.


Cherry picking generality while purposely omitting facts does not make for an accurate documentary. Banks "too big to fail" and the collapse of the housing market came as a result of the deregulation of banking which started in 1978 under Reagan. TARP, while very flawed under Obama, was started by Bush. Bush also cut taxes while opting to take the US to war in Afghanistan & Iraq. More spending with less revenue results is a bigger problem. Plenty of mistakes have been make by both sides. The sad reality is that the primary role of an elected official is to raise funds to get re-elected. Doing what's correct is a career ending move. Instead of spending money on this drivel, give that money to charity (not a PAC).


This movie has politicians in it. Need I say more. Now you can do the critical thinking or you can give them credit and think they are the good guys. But they are now trying to gain your trust and get your votes by claiming to be for the people. They are set up under lies such as "Citizens United" where David Bossie openly admits that a great way to persuade is through movies. He is behind other movies such as Occupy Unmasked where the occupy protesters are claimed to use violence and intimidation. This movie is another "tactic" to gain trust when in reality people knew about the financial crisis in 2008 and who is behind it. Watch David Bossie's productions with cautious reserve. They like to tell some truth mixed with lies and an agenda that will keep lining their pockets and those they serve.
