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The Job

The Job (2017)

December. 08,2017
| Thriller

When five guys robbed a bank, they thought that the robbery itself was the hardest part of the job.


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To me, this movie is perfection.


Best movie ever!

Bessie Smyth

Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.


When five robbers robbed a bank, they thought that the robbery itself was the hardest part of the job, but soon they came to realize that one of them decided to be smart and play a double game. The Job is basically like some fan's remake, rip-off of Reservoir Dogs and basically feels and looks like a high school project and perhaps it actually really was? I mean the acting was abysmal and so was the actual characters. The storyline was a pretty damn big snooze fest as well and the cinematography alongside the direction? Was pretty damn horrible too. (0/10)


Director: It's good that you can make a 90 min movie starring 6 people in two days. What would have been better is if you knew that this same movie can be made with a RT of under 30 mins, with a cast of one, and instead be shot within a day. Seriously just one actor can play all of them. That would have been more entertaining than this bore. Also I can imagine the female actress asked to leave mid production so you just killed her off half way through. I'm I wrong?


I heard about this film from a friend and I have to say the thought of it excited me, robbery, one location, great conflict between characters.....BUT I'm sorry but i just couldnt watch it, the sound is terrible and it feels like it was a stage play filmed. I got 10 minutes in and had to turn it off as everything about it technically is just bad. Its dark, sound is bad, and it just doesnt feel like a film, too many big open shots. Save your time and avoid this film. Technically atrocious!


Watched on Amazon Prime. Having watched Orion's first feature film Despair, I was curious to see if he had improved. Despair wasn't good but it was at least a little bit ambitious and original than this awful film.After robbing a bank (Which we don't see and are only told this, no budget), a group of criminals are trapped in a room by an unknown party and told to wait. Yup. Wait. There's so little story it's insane that this film was stretched to 80 minutes, pacing is horribly slow and the dialogue is bad, really bad. When the characters aren't repeating the same lines of dialogue (What is this? What do we do now? What's going on?), the rest consists of swearing. I have absolutely no problem with swearing, but when it's overused to such an extent it just becomes utterly boring. On a technical side, the film struggles. Visually the film looks better than Despair, but most of the shots start to look the same after a while and it becomes uninteresting. The sound quality is utterly atrocious, filming in a big open warehouse for the whole film was not a good idea, the dialogue suffers from severe reverb and is hard to hear at times. In some scenes it sounded like the filmmakers tried to used some sort of anti reverb filter but it just sounded worse. Setting your whole film in one room is an interesting experiment and it can work if executed well. This film is thin, boring and painful to watch/listen to. Avoid.
