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The Shattering

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The Shattering (2015)

March. 24,2015
| Thriller
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In the dead of night, Donovan drives with his girlfriend, Lucy and several friends to a secret rendezvous in the woods. They believe they are meeting a "healer" who can cure Lucy's cancer, but they grow suspicious when a booby-trap in the road forces them to stop short of their destination. when the driver gets out to investigate he is brutally killed and dragged from the car. Terrified, the remaining friends run for their lives to a deserted cabin, dodging the paramilitary commandos that hunt them as well as the deadly creatures that slaughtered their friends. As the friends die, one by one, they realize too late that Donovan has set them up as bait in exchange for a magic elixir he believes will heal Lucy, but even Donovan is not prepared to pay the price for Lucy's cure.


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That was an excellent one.


Charming and brutal

Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.


This is not a werewolf movie because there are no werewolves. (Lucy growling towards the final scenes does not count.) There is no continuity. What is implied changes every so often to where nothing makes any sense at all.For example, Donovan makes the claim that he is supposed to meet someone, and yet he supposedly doesn't know the man's name. It has something to do with curing Lucy's cancer. However, he eventually talks about the magic wolf saliva, and everyone is angry, but it does not really resolve how the hunters and him are connected. However, it then turns out that he had actually been there to bring people to feed to his mother who had apparently become a werewolf. However, it is then revealed that Lucy had known all along what was going on and Donovan didn't, yet had still given Lucy the "cure" but claiming that it was just men fooling around outside all that time. Confused? Most certainly. The plot itself changes a few times to where it appears no one knew what they were writing about in the script (assuming there was one).So which is it? Donovan seeking his girlfriend's cure? Donovan bringing them there to feed his mother? Why did the hunters indicate that they had no clue that they were there to hunt when they had apparently planned it all out? What in the world is the sense of that? Did Donovan know his girlfriend would become a werewolf? Why did Lucy suddenly know more than Donovan and Donovan suddenly not know anything? Was it some sort of magic "instant werewolf memory"? Was this movie all about amnesia coming and going? Did Lucy suddenly have Donovan's brain in her head, and he hers, because that's the strong impression one gets towards the end. Why did Donovan not know what was going on when his mother had been a werewolf?Hunters: We are hunters and are hunting werewolves so as to get their saliva because it is worth a fortune. Wait! What were those creatures? Are we hunting something? Why are we here?Donovan: We are here to meet a man. I don't know his name. I don't know what is going on.Donovan: But oh wait, I heard something about magic werewolf saliva and that is why we are here. But I didn't know the hunters would be shooting at us and stalking us.Donovan: But oh wait, we are actually here to feed my mother who is a werewolf. I made a promise to bring people to feed her at least once a year. Because. Werewolves only eat once a year apparently.Others: Let's all go back to the car and let Lucy stay here to die even though she isn't dying. That makes sense. Wait, we have to get away from the car upon reaching it, the hunter tells us, even though he was trying to get us killed moments before and now wants to save us. (Wait...what?)Donovan: Here you go Lucy, drink this magic werewolf spit, except it isn't werewolves, just some men fooling around outside.Lucy: Donovan, you have no idea what is going on do you? I'm a werewolf. Growl. Grrr.It's almost as if this was put together by six-year-olds, each in a different room and not knowing what the other was writing about and then they just put it together.


First of all nobody has seen this, the movie has so few ratings this is one of those highly obscure films which the creators clearly didn't make much effort in promoting.Productions values, solid until you realise this is a werewolf movie with no werewolves.The plot is ridiculous and tells the tale of a group of 20 somethings hiding in a cabin from hunters who have lured them out with the intent of using them as bait for the werewolves because werewolf spit is good business.Still with me? Exactly, great plot right? Nope. So for 90 minutes nothing really happens, lots of soap opera level side stories and acting quality and little else.The Good: I'll get back to you on that one The Bad: Dreadfully promotedMore cheating protagonists Some bad overacting Plot makes no sense No ruddy werewolves in a werewolf film!Things I learnt from this movie:Instead of running away from the thing trying to kill you a viable option is instead to stand there and die


If you think you've seen this film before - three guys, three girls in one car off to a mysterious house - think again. "The Shattering" is certainly an original - a film about werewolves without any actual werewolves in it, but it can be confusing, which also makes it rather annoying. So what happens to the group? As you might suspect, something very unpleasant. This begins when one of them gets out to fix the blown tyre they don't realise has been sabotaged by a mysterious group of armed men in combat clothing. He is dragged off and killed if not actually eaten. The five survivors make it to the house, and soon it becomes clear that one of their number knows more than he is letting on. This is because another of the group - his terminally ill girlfriend - has been brought here, ostensibly, to see a healer, but in reality for something a lot more bizarre.Don't expect a happy ending, but you probably won't see what is coming, and you certainly won't understand it.


QUICK REVIEW:Although a bit slow, this film delivers something that most werewolf movies don't deliver: suspense. The Shattering has so far been one of the best werewolf movies I have ever seen, and even if it's predictable, it can be very intriguing and will draw the attention of you into it. It's the sort of movie where you have to sit down and watch it at night time, there is no way this is a day time movie. This movie is interesting, paced well, suspenseful and a weird take on the werewolf genre. This film is very underrated, and I have to say, it's a definite 6.7/10. You must be asking, "Why did you rate it 10/10 then?" I shall reply back, "Because I wanted the rating to get higher."Overall, a 6.7.10!
