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Blood (2000)

June. 30,2000
| Horror

20 years ago, Carl was responsible for genetically engineering a girl with narcotic blood. Now he's brought her home - and the boundaries between love and addiction are becoming increasingly blurred.


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People are voting emotionally.


Far from Perfect, Far from Terrible


I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

Aspen Orson

There is definitely an excellent idea hidden in the background of the film. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find it.


The ideas about genetic engineering in this film are great. Way ahead of its time. It is for sci-fi and horror fans who like to see, "this could really happen," types of films. It is emotionally creepy. Like you kind of know you'd screw up too if put in the same situations. It is funny too. I know people seem to like high flash, high-tech, and high suspense. But all of that is just cheap when you have a good story. It should be re-released with a different name and it would do well, perhaps, "Genetic Freak" or "I really need you." This film is about the failure of love and the arrogance of thinking you can make the world a better place.

Maria Fahlsing

I started this movie thinking that I could watch/listen to it in the background while I worked on other things. However, the story and characters in addition to the dramatic tension and plot drew me in and would not let go. Blood is a highly underrated film with refreshing originality. Although she is not a true vampire, Lix's dependence upon human blood for sustenance does have a sexual aspect as it often does in vampire movies. However, the narcotic effects of consuming her blood and the resultant addiction doing so causes humans directly parallels the final season of True Blood which came 14 years after this film was released. In other words, I find "Blood" to be ahead of its time.By far, the most interesting character in the film is the little boy Jack. He is amusing, says really unintentionally funny lines which are made all the more funny due to his age and blunt honesty. I laughed out loud when young Jack said, "He smokes all the time, so I think he's going to die soon." The blunt honesty of children can be highly amusing and very true. Also, the way in which he quickly and easily bonds with Lix is heartwarming as is Lix's reciprocated admiration for the boy.The soundtrack is very good and compliments the film very well with one minor exception. Although I was pleasantly surprised to hear Orgy's cover of "Blue Monday," which is one of my favorite songs, the instrumental theme was overplayed and became annoying by the end of the movie. Similar to the bell theme from The Exorcist, the same two or three stanzas of music were repeated ad nauseam for far too long in places and not always at dramatic moments. Therefore, when I heard it for the fourth and fifth times, I was bored with and tired of it.Believe when I say that everyone should watch this movie for its insights on love, obsession, addiction, desperation, priorities, and relationships. However, if blood makes you squeamish, you may want to avoid it or cover your eyes for some scenes.


An amazing film...very original. A must see to all horror, Gothic, dark, cult, science fiction fans, or anyone who can handle these genres. Artistic editing and "real" dialogue. Superb actors...why hasn't this been released theatrically? Will leave you enraptured.


Good idea, good filming, fair/good acting BUT who forgot to cut the film, and was it really necessary to explain the plot down to the last comma for the audience? Both these problems will be fairly solved if approximately one hour is removed, preferably by razors
