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Blood Tracks

Blood Tracks (1985)

November. 01,1985
| Horror

A film crew producing a rock music video decides to shoot at an abandoned factory above the snow line. When an avalanche strands them, a murderous family living in the factory attacks and kills many of them.


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To me, this movie is perfection.


I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.

Mathilde the Guild

Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.


Back in the '50's, a woman murdered her husband and ran away to an abandoned chemical plant with her children, stuck living like sub-human hermits forever. Several decades later a Swedish rock music group has decided to travel to the small town nearby to film a music video near the old chemical plant, unaware of the eerie family hidden inside.Blood Tracks is a very underrated slasher film; it was never very popular but was a classic b-movie. The rock band performing in the film was called 'Easy Action'.I thought it was a little cheap, and the nude woman in the car scene was unnecessary, but nonetheless it was an entertaining film. The plant in the film is actually not abandoned; it's a fully functioning power station in Sweden.Great little slasher, check it out!

Ténèbre Rarum (Dario_the_2nd)

Wanna be rock-stars with cannibalistic intentions? The only thing this movie features is a couple of teenagers that wanna make name and fame in the rock business. To do this they go out in the mountains to record a video-clip. The only thing the screenwriter knew to write was how to let them whinge and nag for about 90 minutes about actually how cold the snow is. The cannibal part he forgot. This movie features all over plot line mistakes –holes and many more next to the bad acting and poor dialog. I fear while writing the scenario the writer's brain was numbed by the cold and probably the booze he had to try and keep warm. Maybe they should have provided the actors with the needed booze to boost up their performances and acting-skills. Nevertheless I have one statement to make, when you have a hangover, skip the medicine box just put on this movie! Boring all over and a serious tranquilizer.Dario/


This film is really bad. It starts off as a wife gets into a squabble with her husband and ends up stabbing him with a little pocket knife and the film ends with her and her children running off and the story line ends off there and leaves us in the dark not knowing what happens next. The story takes off 40 years later as the lady and her children are now all grown up and are now cannibals living in some abandoned warehouse. A heavy metal band that looks like a cross between Motley Crue and Poison wannabe rejects are filming a video there and bring their whore groupies along with them. From there all we see is the band getting laid, partying and getting killed by these cannibals. It has terrible over dubbed voices, awful singing and rediculus acting. But there are several parts in the movie that are worth a few laughs like the head of one of the band members gets cut off and thrown at his girlfriend like a lit firecracker as well as a couple of other people getting wasted may be the only parts in the film worth watching. Stay away from this one unless you really need a cure for those sleepless nights.


This is the first Swedish horror movie I have seen and if I see any more I hope they are better than this. A rock group who are filming a video clip are destroyed by a group of animalistic hermits who have heretofore lived undisturbed in an abandoned factory. A "Structure Condemned Do Not Enter" sign is on the outside of the building so naturally they ignore it and barge in. This belongs in the subgenre of horror films that centre around rock groups - other titles include Song of the Succubus, Terror on Tour, Rocktober Blood, Trick or Treat, Monster Dog, Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare and Black Roses. The songs are by a group I've never heard of called Easy Action.
