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Season 1

Being Honest Season 1

May. 24,1993


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Being Honest Season 1 Full Episode Guide

Episode 20 - Episode 20
First Aired: June. 18,1993

KEI finds that FEI has known his cunning device. He sends his subordinates to kill he. FEI is knocked down by a car when she is trying to escape. She is fainted in the street. She may became a plant after the big crash. KEI prepares for the cooperation plan with the FaNG's corporation. Unexpectedly, YEE refuses to cooperate with him after HING's advice. KEI is very confused. HING sees through KEI's back card. She tries to buy out his company. KEI is determined to keep his share in "Wan Kei", he confronts against her by all means. An incessant business battles are started. TAN eventually discovers that he is used by KEI. He then joins WEI and FEI to plot against KEI. They make KEI misunderstand that he has committed murder and has to escape away. What will happen then? How is TAN?...

Episode 19 - Episode 19
First Aired: June. 17,1993

TAN does not forgive TAN. She is very disappointed. She decides to leave Hong Kong but is stopped by Aunt YAM and Aunt PAK. After struggle, TAN wants to reconcile with LING. They know that there is something wrong with Aunt YAM and Aunt PAK's explanation. TAN discusses with KEI. KEI falsely persuades TAN to find LING though he is not intended to help him. KEI drives TAN to the airport. On the way to the airport, he deliberately obstruct the way. TAN loses the chance. YEE suffers a great blow and wanders around the pubs. KEI plots to meet her. The relation between KEI and YEE improve tremendously. FaNG CHING is very sick and he want to find someone who is trustworthy to manage his business. YEE recommends TAN. CHING also trusts him. The bank again urges KEI to repay the debt. KEI...

Episode 18 - Episode 18
First Aired: June. 16,1993

KEI gets the chance to meet TAN. He makes up some stories and explains why he pretended to die. TAN believes and easily forgives him. Friendship established again between the two. KEI is still angry with TAN who has nearly ruined his fame and reputation. He secretly investigate LING's personal history. He waits upon a chance to take revenge on TAN. After TAN has got rid of YEE, he decides to correct himself. He plans to manage an antique gift shop with LING. GEl also corrects himself and hopes to restore his relation with LAl. KEI buys over ERIC. He asks ERIC to extorts money from ERIC. LING is forced to stay with him. ERIC forces LING to get along with him. KEI deliberately arranges TAN to meet ERIC and LING who are getting along well. TAN misunderstands LING. LING is difficult to...

Episode 17 - Episode 17
First Aired: June. 15,1993

ALEX gets hold of the criminal evidence of the bank manager and KEl. He extorts money from them. KEI kills ALEX so as to keep his month shut. ALEX claims that he has already inputted his criminal information into the computer before he died. KEI worries a lot. KEI knows that LAI is ALEX's colleague. He sends his subordinates to rob LAI's house and captures the computer diskette. Meanwhile, GEl goes to LAI's family. He turns his ankle when he is chasing the thieves. LAI is very touched and changes her attitude towards GEL FONG CHING is being sent to the hospital because of his heart disease. It becomes the hot-news of the week. It also arouses KEI's attention. WEI approaches HING. He tries his best to win her favour. They immediately become very good friends. WEI pretends that he is in...

Episode 16 - Episode 16
First Aired: June. 14,1993

LING is very downcast. She crashes her car carelessly. TAN sends her to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, TAN expresses his love towards LING. LING is happy and surprised. FEI witnesses that TAN and LING are getting along with each others well. She is very disappointed. She suppresses her love towards TAN. TAN does not want to hurt YEE. He refuses to cheat her. His partners have no alternative. KEI has sufficient capital. He is keen on developing business in Hong Kong and overseas. He dreams to gain a place in the international market. He becomes very arrogant. WEI by chance knows that HING is RA's cousin. She is the new commercial hero. WEI begins to plan and regards her as his new target. TAN tries to kiss YEE with violence so as to destroy his image. He hopes that YEE will...

Episode 15 - Episode 15
First Aired: June. 11,1993

WEI and LING want TAN to cheat big money from YEE. They request TAN to capture her heart. TAN could control YEE if he gets hold of her heart. TAN does not want to hurt YEE who is so kind and simple. He is in a dilemma. TAN deliberately disappears. YEE worries a lot about him. LING pretends to be a nurse and brings her to TAN's home. She arranges YEE to reach TAN's diary. YEE finds that TAN has admired her secretly. He also claims that he is suffered from brain cancer. She sympathizes him. LAI works hard and studies diligently. She eventually achieved in becoming a chartered accountant. She joins a bank as an auditor. FEI knows that she has returned to Hong Kong and wants to reconcile with her and GEL However, FEI's plan is in vain. LAI and her colleague, ALEX, are assigned to audit...

Episode 14 - Episode 14
First Aired: June. 10,1993

After the affair. TAN and LING feel very embarrassed. Both of them want to explain something but lead to some fun instead. They pretend that nothing had happened. KEI is keen on expanding his business and expand his department chain store network. He even wants to make his shops go public and collects move capital for expansion. KEI worries that TAN and FONG will trouble him. He sends his subordinate to check TAN and plans to do him up. YEE spends one million to buy an antique. She then becomes the hot-line topic. WEI knows that TAN has known her first. Thus, he arranges TAN to approach YEE. TAN takes the advantage on YEE who is very kind to the poor. He pretends that he is a mental doctor so as to gain her trust. They soon become very good friends. TAN lies that he wants to fight...

Episode 13 - Episode 13
First Aired: June. 09,1993

TAN finds YEE in his car. He sees that she is quiet good-looking and looks like the girl from a rich family. He is curious about her and has a good impression on her. It is YEE's birthday. She feels very lonely and requests TAN to go out with her. The barrier between the two remove and they soon become good friends. YEE is the only child of a rich overseas Chinese merchant. She backs to Hong Kong with her father after graduated from university. She is spoiled by her family. Thus, she becomes very unruly and brutal. She is rebellious to her family. KEI decides to join the richest Hong Kong merchant WING CHI HONG and invests in department store business. FONG watches television and sees KEI on the TV. She knows that he is TAN's old good friend. She approaches KEI during the department...

Episode 12 - Episode 12
First Aired: June. 08,1993

KEI meet a Malaysian Top Swindler when he was being escape overseas. He was one of his disciple. He is then become a famous entrepreneur and goes to swindle. He is a very skillful swindler. KEI waits upon a chance and backs to Hong Kong. He plots to make big money. He appears as a rich Malaysian merchant, CHAN YING LIN. He arouses TAN's attention on him. KEI buys over a bank manager. The bank manager supports KEI to buy out a building which worths three billion dollars. This issue becomes the talk in the town. LING has disappeared since she suffered the blow. TAN goes everywhere to search her trace. Later, TAN finds LING in a disco and is getting along with the teddy guys. TAN brings her away but is troubled by the gangsters. Fortunately, GEl disguises as a cop and helps TAN and LING...

Episode 11 - Episode 11
First Aired: June. 07,1993

TAN meets KEI in the street. He feels very surprised as he believe that KEI had already drowned at sea and died. LING again is bothered by emotion. She is very downcast. She drowns care in wine. TAN passes by and finds that she is drunk in the street. He brings her home. TAN knows LING's personal history and pass experience from Aunt YAM and Aunt PAK. He sympathizes her. GEl eventually knows that ERIC is a swindler. ERIC has disappeared. GEl tries his best to find him. WEI finds that ERIC is still cheating money from those who always dream to be a movie . star. He asks TAN to disguises as a rich guy who dreams to become a movie star. TAN then goes to ask ERIC for help. ERIC thinks that he could cheat money from TAN and is very excited. WEI plots to make ERIC believe that TAN comes...

Episode 10 - Episode 10
First Aired: June. 04,1993

GEl drowns cave in wine in a night club. He is assaulted by a group of gangsters. Fortunately, TAN and WEI arrive in time and help him to get rid of the gangster. They bring him away. By the time KI wants to reform himself, he meets a star searching spy, ERIC. He persuades KI to join his firm and claims that he will help him to become famous. However, KI has to pay ERIC forty thousand KI believes his words. ERIC meets LING again. He finds that LING's appearance is good and rich after separating from each other for so many years. He wants to court LING again. However, LING turns a cold shoulder to him and ignores him. In fact, LING has fallen in love with ERIC when she was young. ERIC cheated her. Though LING hates him very much, she does not forget their happy time. Though Aunt YAM...

Episode 9 - Episode 9
First Aired: June. 03,1993

WING knows that LIN is fond of an artiste, CHEUNG Sill FAI. She finds that TAN's appearance is resemble to FAI. She trains TAN how to use his eyes to attract LIN. TAN will then court LIN with a playboy image. LING also knows that LIN will back to America within seven days. Thus, they have to capture their time to train TAN the social manner. TAN changes his name to CHING CHUN. He approaches LIN in a party. LIN is crazy forCHUN. TAN and LIN are deeply in love. TAN conspires together with GEl and FEI to trap LIN. They make her believe that TAN has a serious financial problem. LIN believes. She gives TAN a huge sum of money and goes to America. TAN and LING cooperate well this time. They are very happy. TAN buys a flat for his mother. FONG is at ease. After GEl got his share, he...

Episode 8 - Episode 8
First Aired: June. 02,1993

LING is an orphan. She was brought up by her two aunts, Aunt YAM and Aunt PAK. Her two aunts earn a living in the playground. Thus, LING's life experience is more enriched than other child at her age as LING clinged to this complicated environment since she was very young. YAM and PAK were cast aside by man respectively. They always tell LING that men are not reliable. LING obeys her two aunts and becomes a female swindler who is an expert in cheating men. WEI and TAN have a new target, LIN, who is the daughter of the Ship King, CHAN CHIT. They try to approach her by all means. Unexpectedly, LING deliberately chooses LIN as her target. She pretends to be LIN's ex-classmate. She is intimately acquainted with LIN. She plans to cheat her money. WEI and LING know each other well. They test...

Episode 7 - Episode 7
First Aired: June. 01,1993

TAN is angry with himself who was cheated by LING. His good dream was shattered. He is very downcast. He drowns care in wine and faints in a pub. He is then being sent to the hospital. TAN alerts that he should not be cheated by other after awakened. He takes the initiative to cheat and pretends that he is still very sick so as to play trick on GEL and WEI. GEL believes that he has indirectly put TAN in trouble. Thus, he tries his best to control his temper and takes good care of TAN. WEI concerns about TAN and always ask FEI and GEL TAN's situation. GEL knows that a magic doctor could heal all illness. However, the consultation fee is very expensive. WEI is willing to pay the fee. TAN feels very touched. GEL and WEI forces TAN to drink the magic tea. TAN refuses to drink and tells...

Episode 6 - Episode 6
First Aired: May. 31,1993

WEI brings TAN to a banquet. They meets LING and find that she is the Rubber Queen. They affirm that she is one of their major target. They start to take action. TAN disguises himself to be a disappointed young man, who is in need of money and sick. He wants to gain her trust. He wants her to procure money for him. WEI pretends to be a doctor. He tries to gain LING's favour by curing TAN's stubborn disease. He even takes the opportunity to play trick on TAN and GEl. TAN is reluctant to see WEI in a favourable position. He pretends to kill himself so as to win LING's sympathy. He even wants LING to be with him all along. In order to disclose TAN's plot, WEI devises to trap TAN. The confrontation between TAN and WEI is vigorous. TAN by chance finds that LING is not a rich girl. He is...

Episode 5 - Episode 5
First Aired: May. 28,1993

WEI originally comes from a rich family. His family fortune was dissipated after those years. WEI is then forced to swindle money out of the upper class to support his family as well as to maintain his family's reputation. WEI is well-educated and versatile. He is good at observing the women's weaknesses. He then starts to court the woman. The woman who is cheated by him does not aware that she is being cheated. Thus, he is a top swindle especially in cheating woman. TAN and KI regard WEI as their target. They asks the loanshark to lend them the capital. They wait upon a chance to start action. Unexpectedly, they are being cheated by WEI instead. Their dreams are shattered. The loanshark forces them to repay the debt. WEI appreciates TAN who has the talent to be a good swindler. He...

Episode 4 - Episode 4
First Aired: May. 27,1993

TAN explains to his boss the case. His boss does not believe him. TAN is forced to repay the money. TAN has no money. Thus, he asks KI to lend him some money. KI then knows that TAN is very poor. Till then KI unveil his real self. TAN is very down. He drowns cave in wine as he feels melancholy to lose a pure friendship. TAN is so drunk that he nearly hurt himself on the top of the building. Fortunately, FEI and KI rescue him in time. TAN could then escape from the disaster. TAN hates KI who has pretended kind and good. He decides to move out. The relation between KI and TAN is getting worse. Fortunately, FEI mediates between the two. TAN and KI eventually reconcile. KI sees that TAN has encountered incessant frustration. He then persuades TAN to join him and become a swindler. KI does...

Episode 3 - Episode 3
First Aired: May. 26,1993

TAN finds that YIN is very determined to follow another man and migrates abroad. He knows that it is no use for him to implore YIN. He is very heart-broken. FONG sees that TAN has not yet returned and is very nervous. Fortunately, TAN arrives in time and deceived the gaster. KI thinks that TAN has hidden a huge sum of money somewhere. He sympathizes him on the surface. He also ask FEI to take care FONG. He takes the chance to curry KI's favour. TAN has offended the powerful group in the prison. KI helps TAN to settle the conflict. He fight against TAN's enemy. He is then being punished. In order to protect TAN, KI deliberately makes some mistakes and hopes that he can release on the same day as TAN. After release, TAN has no home, he then lives temporarily in KI's home. TAN applies...

Episode 2 - Episode 2
First Aired: May. 25,1993

TAN is arrested. He i~ difficult to get at the truth. He is being locked up for investigation. FONG worries a lot. YIN is angry with TAN who had missed the wedding. KEI dare not to show up. He is wanted by the police. He decides to bring a huge sum of money and escape away. Later, he finds a dead floating body. He throws his wallet and identity card into the sea and pretends that he was died. He could then escape the law. After investigation, TAN is proved to be guiltless of murder. However, he is being charged of robbery and is being sentenced to one-year imprisonment. At the beginning, the prisoners laugh at him who had used a toy hand-gun to rob. HE feels very embarrassed. Fortunately, KI helps to mediate. TAN and KI immediately become good friends. SHEUNG }'EI has to take good...

Episode 1 - Episode 1
First Aired: May. 24,1993

KEI is very lazy and does not work. He is fond of gambling. He likes to show off. When he encounters any financial difficulties, he will ask his good friend, TAN, for help TAN is eager to help him without a word. TAN had hurt KEI's head carelessly years ago. KEI pretended that he had become a colour-blind after the incident. TAN believes. Since then TAN treats KEI well. KEI also enjoys the privileges. Thus, he continues to cheat TAN. YIN knows TAN through her relatives. They have fallen in love with each other. YIN then migrates to Hong Kong from China. YIN plans to marry TAN once he has enough money. TAN buys a new apartment for him and YIN. SW FONG, TAN's mother, quarrels with YIN due to some trivial matters regarding the renovation. KEI is tempted to go to the illegal casino....
